Chapter 11

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I flew up crashing through the ceiling of the wall and out. The sunlight shown on me but it had no effect whatsoever. I opened my mouth wide and let out a deafening roar.  A few birds in the distant forest flew away from the trees. The towns people stared at me me some in horror whereas some were thrilled and some were amazed. I soared up high into the air and threw a ball of fire towards the werewolf kingdom.
Get ready Luna Astrid Xavier I'm coming to finish you for once and for all.

Astrid's P.O.V
It had been a few days since the incident. Adrian had managed to calm every one down and now everything was stable.
I was currently sitting in Xavier's office trying to figure out what to do with myself whereas Xavier was barking orders on the phone to everyone and anyone. I let out a sigh. I didn't want to leave Xavier but there was nothing to do here. I pulled up my knees and put my head in between them.

Sleeping ? That's what you thought of

Do you have a better idea I snapped back. Sheira is so sarcastic like ughhh. I miss Allison even though she was kind of the same as Sheira now that I think about it.
I closed my eyes and tried to go to dreamland but apparently I missed the train and when I tried to find another train by putting the existence of platform 9 3/4 to the test I ended up landing on the floor.

"Astrid go home and sleep I'll be fine" Xavier spoke calmly which was quite surprising cause like a minute ago he was yelling.

" I don't want to leave you here alone Xavier" I said as I put my head back on the couch. Maybe I could try a different sleeping position.

"Astrid go home " he got off of his chair and sat on the couch beside me. "I'm not a small child who needs protection you know? Plus I'm the one who's supposed to take care of you not the other way around" he said chuckling.
"But But But——"
"No buts" he said sternly
I stifled a laugh. I always found at very funny that people say no buts yet they're saying it like make up your mind bruh.
"Fine" I said. I gave him a quick hug nuzzling my face into his chest. He placed a kiss on my head and then I left the office heading back home.

Do you really think that the rock had a smoke spell on it?

At first yeah. but then I looked carefully at it and it didn't look like a smoke spell.

What do you think it is then?

I'm not sure.

I was having a conversation with Shiera that I bumped into someone accidentally.
"Oh my gosh i am so———" I stopped in mid sentence when I saw who I had bumped into.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I yelled gaining few stares from the people around us

"Astrid look I kno—-"

I raised my hand and slapped him across the face with all energy I could muster. I heard people gasp and in my peripheral vision I saw that Adrian froze in his place.

I let out a vicious snarl and stepped towards him "MAD DOESN'T EVEN DESCRIBE HOW IM FEELING RIGHT NOW"

Adrian cane running up to us.

"Luna is everything okay?"

Jack looked back at me and I saw hurt mixed with guilt flash across his eyes. That made me evn more mad. He feels bad now? after all this time?Another menacing snarl escaped me which caused Adrian to step back.

"YOU STOOD THERE WHEN HE BEAT ME UP. I TRUSTED YOU, GAVE YOU MY HEART EVEN THOUGH YOU WEREN'T MY MATE AND THAT IS HOW YOU REPAID ME?" I screamed at him. Tears were now threatening to spill out of my eyes because the scenes were replaying in my head. But I knew i had to stay firm, my voice should not crack. I'm not weak.

Let me take control

"Astrid please liste-" my growl cut him off

"You son of a —-" I couldn't complete my sentence because I was now shifting into a wolf. Sheira had taken over and I let her. Jack deserves this.

"Luna calm down" Adrian said as he stepped in front of Jack.

I dashed towards Jack dodging Adrian's shield. I jumped over him and pinned Jack to the ground. Looking into those blue eyes that held so much fear,I felt good.  I was preparing to snap his neck in half when someone grabbed me from the back and pinned me against the wall.

"ASTRID STOP, THIS ISN'T YOU" Xavier spoke. I saw concern in his eyes. But I wasn't in control Sheira was. Even though Sheira loved Xavier a lot she didn't like Jack. I or more specifically Sheira snarled at Xavier. I struggled to get out of his grip to the point where i was going to bite him but Xavier showed no fear . His grip only tightened around me but it didn't hurt me. I struggled and struggled but eventually came to a stop. Xaveir loosened his grip and  set me down on the ground. He caressed my fur and Sheira let out a small purr. Xavier then kneeled down in front of me so that he was at my eye level. "Sheira let Astrid take control please" he said petting my head softly

My eyes slowly turned from black to blue. I was in control again. I shifted back into human form and my gaze landed on Jack who was now standing far away from me.

"Come with me Jack" Xavier said. He grabbed my hand to keep me calm and just in case I decided to attack Jack again. We entered Xavier's office and sat down.

"Jack what brings you here?" Xavier asked

"I c-c-ame t-t-to giv-v-ve y-y-o-o-u th-e-e n-e-ws" he stuttered

"What news" I growled.

At this Xavier gave me a look. It was more of a plead.

Probably telling you to shut up

You shut up. I snapped back. 

"I came to tell you news about the attack." he said

"Bruh just get to the point" I snapped at him

"Yes of course. Princess Valerie was the reason of the recent attack." 

"But that's impossible the attack was in daytime" Xavier stated.

"Yes but the princess wasn't herself she was  ......... a dragon" he hesitated a it before telling us. Xavier and I were both looking at him wide-eyed. Since we didn't say anything Jack continued"The princess had a fight with the the King and Queen about some matter due to which she became furious. Because of this sudden anger she turned into Igneous the dragon of fire. Which wasn't a surprise considering how feisty she is" he mumbled the last part.

"Igneous? I cant believe it" Xavier said while shaking his head in disbelief

"That still doesnt explain why you're here" I spat

"He's one of my spies in the vampire kingdom Astrid. He is a vampire but on my side. " Xavier told me

I looked from Xavier to Jack and then back at Xavier "So not only do you betray me but also your kingdom?" 

"I had no choice but to be his spy Luna. The Alpha has helped me at times where no one did so I had to repay him. Secondly I' sorry for what I did, I truly am but I couldn't marry you because you weren't my mate, you were Alpha Xaviers's mate." he said pointing at Xavier who gave me a small smile."And besides I had found my own mate, Blaire, If i had married you i would be betraying not just you but also Blaire. All three of us wouldn't be happy." he said

I didnt say anything. I was speechless. Noticing my state Jack continued "That day when Valerie had left you there in that house I had hoped you wouldn't return in the morning. I had convinced the guards that you would not be in the forest so they didn't search for you there. But you did return, and believe me I still haven't forgiven myself for what happened that day. I truly am sorry Astrid" 

"I uh umm wow I didn't anything about Xavier or Blaire. If you would've told me about Blaire I could've ................. okay there was nothing I could've done to help you. its okay I guess you had to do what you had to do" I said awkwardly 

"Thank you Luna" he said. I gave him a small smile in return

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