Chapter 6

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After running for a long time I finally reached the border of the vampire territory. I let out a sigh of relief but sadness was also present. I turned around and looked at my home one more time. From here I could see the castle and and town. After gazing at it, I turned around and exited the land. I didn't know where I was going but I made sure I was far away from the vampire territory before I stopped to take a rest.
I sat down beside a tree and used it to support my aching back. It was really peaceful in the forest. I felt the cold breeze brush against my face causing me to shiver a little. I wrapped my arms around my knees and pulled them closer to me. Even though the forest was a peaceful place I still felt pain. My dad's harsh words, my mom's stare, my people's stare, Alex's kicks. All these scenes were replaying in my head.
Then I remembered Valerie, her smirk. She planned all of this. How can she be so cruel? I should've seen this coming. I shouldn't have let me guard down.
Anger and hatred filled my heart and then I heard a loud menacing growl. I sat up immediately looking around in search for someone until I realized that growl had escaped from me. It had happened earlier as well. Why does this keep happening? I was going to sit down again. When excruciating pain spread through my body, I clutched my stomach and fell to the ground curling into a ball. Another growl escaped from me and I heard cracking of bones. I let out a scream but what came out was only a whimper. I rolled around the floor trying to ease the pain but it only worsened. The sound of cracking bones filled my ears and I let out a pained cry while pulling myself closer. My clothes began to rip apart and the pain started to fade away until it finally came to an end.I got up from the ground but to my surprise I had four legs instead of 2 and my hands were now paws.
I slowly began to walk forward and I had now turned into a wolf. I didn't know if I was thrilled or terrified. I made way towards a small river and looked at my reflection. My blue eyes were staring back at me. My fur was white near my face but black and brown spots began to appear as you got closer to the tail. I was quite furry, I had to admit and my tail was really bushy. I smiled at my reflection, I liked being a wolf. Suddenly I wasn't tired, maybe turning into a wolf gave me energy. I figured that I should put this new energy to a productive use and began to run through the forest again.

I stopped to take a break because of my severe need for water. I looked around in search for a source of water until my eyes landed on a pond. Relief washed over me and jogged towards the pond. I drank greedily, even though the water didn't taste nice.

I halted in my tracks when I heard a vicious snarl erupt from behind me. I turned around and found a large male wolf. Fear took over me and I turned on my heel and ran in the other direction as fast as I could. I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me but I still ran. I could not get captured. I had totally forgotten about rogues. I was probably on the werewolves land and now they consider me a rogue but it's not like they wouldn't have if I were a vampire.
Because if my exertion I didn't have much energy left within me to run. He got closer whereas I became weaker and then boom. I was pinned to the floor in a second. I whimpered under him. I tried to push him off of me but he didn't budge until I gave up.
Then he slowly took a few steps back and shifted. I saw that he had platinum blonde hair with bright blue eyes like mine. He took something out of his pocket and placed it around my neck.
"If you try to run, this" he said pointing towards the gadget placed on my neck will shock you which is deadly enough to kill you". I gulped and nodded understanding what he had said. "Good now follow me"

I followed him through the woods sticking close as if my life depended on it which it sort of did. After a lot of walking we reached a town. I looked up and my jaw dropped, it was beautiful. There were many buildings small and big. Some with small balconies whereas the others had a few or none. The atmosphere was full of excitement and joy. People were laughing, talking, eating , doing all kinds of stuff. But the most beautiful of all buildings was situated in the middle of the town. It was a three story house and wasn't less than a dream house. but all this beautiful view ended when we reached another building This building was large but unlike others this one looked scary. It was highly guarded by many soldiers. I gulped and trembled. They're going to kill me I thought that is the punishment for a rogue. He took me inside and stopped in front of a room. He took out a key unlocked it and then kneeled down and took off the necklace from my neck.

"Max get some clothes!" the platinum hair dude yelled
"Yes of course" I heard another sound from a distance
A while later a guy came with a shirt and jeans. My captor took the clothes and handed them to me.
"Shift back and change. You are going to stay here until the Alpha returns. Until then pray he doesn't kill you" he growled
I stepped away from him and entered the room. I knew how to shift back because I did it when I was a vampire. I closed the door of the room and slowly thought of myself in human form. Slowly I began to feel my bones change form and I was a human again. I gasped when I looked at my legs bruises had formed on them. I slowly changed into the clothes given and sat down. What did I do to deserve this? Max cane later with a bit of bread and water which wasn't much but I knew if I complained it would be taken away.
Days passed and I stayed in that chamber.Little food and water was given to me and I felt like I was on the verge of death. I saw max passing by and I tapped on the door in order to gain his attention.
"Please can I have some food" I forced out these words even though my throat was dry as a desert.
"According to the guards order you are not be given food or water exceeding a certain limit" he said then walked away before I could argue.
After that I every second felt like an hour. Weakness and tiredness took over me and I lost conscious.
I heard faint noises outside but I was too weak to make a sound. I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear what was going on around me.
"I found her in the forest" I heard someone say
Crap they brought the Alpha. Oh my lord.

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