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"A taco restaurant? Why do you always choose places like these for your meetings?"

"Because I'm hungry and also this is far more discreet location, well away from our headquarters. Government buildings are always watched and it's difficult to sneak in by the backdoor."

"More discreet?" I think confused. I don't know how someone can consider this discreet. The boss ordered to clear out the building and now we're the only clients while the owner is in the kitchen surrounded by armed men. Although I have to admit that nobody can hear us now and nobody had the opportunity to bug the place since nobody knew we were heading here. Anyway, I won't waste my time arguing with him; to be honest, after a few hours in the helicopter I'm hungry too, it's almost dinner time and I only had a sandwich today. Sitting in front of the Boss at a table far from the windows but ideally situated for controlling the door, I dip my chip in guacamole waiting for him to speak. There's no point in questioning him, he'll talk when he wants and at any rate he wants to talk. And he always will keep some information to himself to surprise you at the end. All the xXx know well our boss tricks... and yet he always catch us out. Damn it!

"Well, I didn't select this place at random to be honest, it has something to do with your new mission."

"I'm going to Mexico."

"Wait... How do you know that?"

"Oh come on Gibbons, please, we're in San Diego, close to the border, eating tacos and drinking Corona." I roll my eyes so hard I almost catch a glimpse of my brain. "If you wanted to mislead me we should have gone to Ikea to eat Swedish meatballs." I give him a smug smile before shoving some chips in my mouth... this guacamole is delicious.

"Very funny. Well, since you're so smart tell me: have you ever heard about Blue Ice?" I frown while thinking, the name means nothing to me. " It's the newest drug craze. You know that the heroin consumption has skyrocketed over the past few years, it has become an epidemic, I'm afraid. The number of fatal overdoses reported in the last two years sent shivers down my spine. Nowadays it's mixed with other synthetic opiates like fentanyl that makes it more potent. Fentanyl comes mainly from China and Asian gangs have the market cornered so Mexican cartels have decided to strike back. But instead of aiming at slums and suburban middle-class neighbourhoods, where the Chinese have most of their customers, they have chosen to aim at upper –class young people with a new designer drug. Blue Ice has all the makings to become a success: it's expensive, exclusive and it promises long hours of fun without the side effects of other kind of drugs. It doesn't cause nausea or headaches, it doesn't give you muscle spasms, it doesn't cause dizziness or seizures and it never causes bad trips so psychosis is rule out. It offers only advantages and new possibilities to the customers according to the dealers."

"I don't see why that should be our problem." I shrug after biting a big chunk of my taco, it's delicious by the way. I must admit that Gibbons knows how to choose a restaurant. "Drugs have been running freely through the slums ever since the country was founded, but only now that they're a threat to rich boys they've become a problem that needs to be fixed. Is that fair? Nobody forces those spoiled brats to get their first fix, nobody points a gun to their heads... they should face the consequences of their actions."

"You're right, but I don't make the rules around here. It's just the way the world works. Rich kids have always been testing drugs, all of them have had a wild time at the university and we all know people who have smoked marijuana at least once in their life. Didn't you ever smoke?"

I stare at him with a look of disgust as an answer: No, definitely no. My uncle raised me well and above all he insisted on how important was for me to remain vigilant. While other teenagers tested drugs in high school I was focused on my training schedule and keep moving in order to make things difficult for a shooter sent to kill me. Substances that alter perception were totally unacceptable for me. For God's sake, I don't even indulge with a second coffee when I'm on holiday. I shake my head while biting my taco waiting for my boss to continue his speech.

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