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The cup of tea is ready, smoking on the kitchen island counter along with some toast, jam and sliced fruits. The sun shines bright through the windows and the sky is clear showing off a beautiful blue, same colour as the calm sea. I should go and wake up Chris before her breakfast gets cold but I feel bad for her; to be honest, I know that she's been without proper sleep for some nights and when I got out of bed this morning she was sound asleep, her beautiful face was relaxed and fortunately without those horrible dark circles under her eyes. I can't help but smirk with arrogance: if she's sleeping well is mostly thanks to my skills; last night was... I can't find the words, I hadn't enjoyed sex like that in a while: the chemistry between us is smouldering. I should've imagined it, after all I can almost see the sparks every time I touch her. I wonder when we're going to repeat the experience... I'm so focused on last night delicious memories that nearly miss her footsteps getting close to the kitchen... luckily mi training keeps me alert.

"Good morning," she whispers walking barefoot before sitting down on a stool. Smiling, I hand her the cup of tea and she places her fingers around it, she's had a shower and her wet hair it's like a curtain that hides her face. An oversized T-shirt and sweatpants cover her perfect body but I don't need to see it to know what's under her garments... and I like it.

"We can go to the department store after breakfast and buy a blanket for the couch, we can even go to lunch after that; I know a fantastic pizzeria two streets away and the owner is actually Italian." The idea of spending time with Chris, just walking and talking, sounds good to me, even better than the idea of dragging her to the bed again. It's rare that I have something in common with my lovers, usually I don't find a good topic of conversation out of the bed but she's different, smart and funny even without her memories.

"Okay," she whispers again focused on her cup, she's barely moved since she's walked in... and she hasn't looked at me either. "Mmmm, what the hell is happening here?" I think confused, raising an eyebrow and pursing my lips. Something's wrong but I can't put my finger on it.

"Chris, look at me," I order with a harsh tone of voice. I won't allow her to hide from me, above all after the night we've spent together. She lifts her head and her hand brushes her hair away from her forehead, without looking at me till her eyes finally jump briefly to my face, she blushes and stares at her cup again. I can see her swallowing hard before speaking:

"Last night I... I'm not like that. I know that I'm unable to remember anything about my former life but I'm sure that... I'm not like that."

"Like what? What are you talking about? Are you saying you regret it?" Shit, I asked her if she was sure about it and now she could barely look at me in the eyes. It was an incredible night for me, one of the best experiences of my life and now...

"No, of course not," she stares at me with her eyes wide open, shocked, "last night was amazing, seriously, you were kind and generous with me and I appreciate it. It's just that... I've known you for less than two days and I jumped into your bed and... it was me the one who started everything... I don't want you to believe that I... sleep with anyone. I'm not like that..."

"Chris, I've known you for less than two days and I enjoyed last night too. Do you think less of me because of that?" So that's what's happening here, the girl brave enough to bite my earlobe and provoke me turns out to be shy under the sun light and is afraid that I could think she's tramp. I shake my head chuckling.

"No Adele, I don't think less of you. You've been so good to me these past days... even if I'm just a nuisance for you." She keeps her eyes fixed on her cup of tea.

"You are not a nuisance, you're a lovely girl that keeps me company during my holidays. And what happened last night is perfectly normal. After a living a limit situation that puts your life at risk and makes your adrenaline skyrocket sex becomes some kind of life-affirming activity, it's a celebration because you've survived finally. Your body and hormones took control, there's nothing wrong with that, it has happened to all of us, honestly. So don't worry, the only thing I think about you is that you're beautiful, and sexy and I was very lucky last night. All right?"

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