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"This isn't what I expected, to be honest, a white and bright building, surrounded by gardens... It doesn't look so... solemn."

"No all the federal buildings are grey with huge steel doors. I think you've watched too many movies, Chris." It's early in the morning and a bit cold, which is unusual in LA, while we walk towards the main door of the FBI headquarters in Wilshire. Luckily, I found a parking space soon so we've been able to have a coffee and a muffin in a coffee shop not far away and as a result, I'm not in a bad mood like I usually am every time I have to deal with an official agency. Like any other xXx I prefer to do things my way and I don't want to have to do any explaining, above all to the guys in suits: they never agree with our methods and don't like explosions, parachute jumps, reckless driving etc. I guess sometimes dealing with them is unavoidable. Apparently Gibbons has decided that this is the safest place to have a meeting but I don't know why: if the guy we're looking for is a high government official with connections in the upper echelons of power he could find out easily that we're here.

Once we walk through the door we have to pass through security checks, identify ourselves and we're required to submit to a pat search... this is what I hate about these places, they don't let me carry my guns and knives and I feel naked without them. The boss is waiting for us across the entrance lobby, standing near the elevators lost in his thoughts, while several agents wearing dull grey suits and dark ties are walking past him. He doesn't seem happy and that's bad news, when Gibbons loses his smile it means problems.

"Boss, you don't like feds and you hate the condescending tone they use with us despite our agency has saved their asses in a handful of occasions so, what are we doing here?" I whisper frowning while we get into the elevator with some other agents.

"Hello Chris, I'm happy to see you again," he says loudly before smiling at me and mumbling softly so I'm the only one who can hear him. "I had no choice, they've called me and offered very kindly a safe meeting room; they've insisted and I couldn't say no. It'd be really rude of me to send them to hell."

"Very kindly? Feds are kind only if they have a good reason," I answer whispering again with a fake smile plastered on my lips while we walk along a corridor running into more agents.

"I know..." Gibbons smile is even faker than mine but I'm the only one who notices it because I know him well. "I think they've been conducting their own investigation about drug lords and the disappearance of so many girls from good families, they've probably got a primary suspect but they need Chris to confirm his identity. I don't like to collaborate with them but I'll do it if we can stop that guy before he sells the Blue Ice." My boss closes his mouth when we arrive to a meeting room with a huge dark wooden table and several black leather chairs around it, some agents are waiting on one side of the room but only one gets closer: tall, dark-haired, with a dark grey suit and a blue tie, an average face easily forgettable... this guy is a walking cliché.

"Good morning, I'm agent John Smith..." The three of us raise an eyebrow with scepticism. "I know, it sounds like a false name but I promise it isn't, I've been hearing jokes about it my whole life." He shakes his head in resignation with a sad smile on his lips. "Anyway, pleased to meet you Miss Gonzalez. Sit down, please. I guess you know why you're here: we're going to show you some pictures and you have to tell us if there's anyone you can identify; it doesn't matter if you aren't totally sure about it, if someone seems vaguely familiar to you, you must tell us and we'll check him out all the same. There're several folders with pictures so it's going to take a while, would you like coffee or a bottle of water? If you don't mind Gibbons we'd like her to start with our pictures, you can go out for a walk or maybe have breakfast with your agent in the meantime." The suit points at me with his chin.

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