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I park my car facing the huge beach and smile at my girl that is fidgeting nervously on the passenger seat, fixing the collar of her beautiful dress printed with blue flowers. Her deep green eyes look like emeralds sparkling under the sun light while she stares scared at the group of people that is waiting for us at the end of the beach, near some rocks, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Actually, it looks like a postcard...

"Calm down, babe" I whisper. "They'll like you, Nicks is mad about you and Gibbons adores you already. Let's go, grab your jacket just in case the breeze is too cold."

We get out of the car and I open the trunk where I have some last-minute stuff they told me to buy for our barbecue, in the meantime Chris is in charge of carrying two family size potato chips bags. We stop for a moment to take our sneakers off before stepping on the sand and then we start walking slowly, enjoying the sun warming our skin, the scent of the ocean and the beautiful view. Despite her initial anxiety, my girl can't stop laughing. Suddenly, the sound of music blasting frightens some seagulls that fly away... Nicks is testing the speakers while Tennyson has persuaded Becky to dance, actually they're jumping like a couple of idiots since they both were born with two left feet. Gibbons waves at us and points at a bottle of beer he's grabbed from a bucket with ice, I nod in response smiling: of course I want one. An immense mass blocks our way hiding the light of the shining sun, I look up to find my friend shirtless showing off all his muscles and with a naughty smirk on his face.

"Chris... I want you to meet Mr. Xander Cage, but we all call him just X."

"And you can also call me like that, I'm very pleased to meet you Chris." He takes my girl's hand and brings it to his mouth to kiss the back politely. I shake my head while I roll my eyes, smoothie bastard...

"It's a pleasure for me to meet you too," she answers shyly. "I wanted to say thank you and also sorry since you had to come back from your holiday in India sooner than you expected because of me."

"No worries, it was worth it to fly from the other side of the world to be able to laugh in those feds' faces. You should have seen them, that Smith guy almost had a heart attack... Any idea what happened to him?"

"They've given him an office job in Washington," our boss answers while he hands me my beer. "It isn't a promotion as good as he wanted but it's a nice consolation prize, he won't make trouble anymore."

"Cool, when it comes to suits the further the better." Xander looks back at me with a smile plastered on his face. "So Adele... I see that you've followed the boss' orders to the letter: you've kicked some ass, got the girl back and looked dope while you were doing it. I'm so proud of you, look Gibbons... our little baby is all grown up and has become a fabulous xXx agent." My friend and my boss pretend to wipe an imaginary tear of emotion away and Chris burst into laughing next to me while she's still holding the potato chips bags. "Here, darling, I'll take care of this..." Xander takes the bags winking at me.

"Hey X!" I let out with an outraged tone of voice. "Don't try to flirt with my girl."

"What? I'm not doing such a thing," he answers equally outraged.

"You always try to steal my flings."

"Of course I do but she isn't a fling and I'd never pick up my sister's girlfriend. Who do you think I am?" Xander winks again before turning around and leaves the chips on the table with the rest of the food so he can help Tennyson with the barbecue. Music keeps blasting and our boss is handing drinks nonstop. Becky comes running, she adjusts the position of her glasses with her fingers before extending her arm and shaking my girl's hand speaking quickly like she usually does.

"You must be Chris, I'm so happy to see you. I needed female backup in this testosterone jungle and Adele doesn't count, she's worse than the boys sometimes. Can you help me with plates and glasses? We can have a beer and chat while we set the picnic table."

"Of course," my girl answers with a smile before following Becky who's already running towards the group. She's barely taken two steps when I call her...

"Chris..." her fairy eyes look at me with surprise. "I love you too."


One Shot (Ruby Rose/Adele fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora