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I know you only like me for my smut... Enjoy. 

A loud thunder rumbles through the house but that's not what has woken me up. I stick my hand out of my blankets and grab the knife under my mattress, getting out of bed immediately trying to figure out what's bothering me. I've heard something downstairs, that's it. A quick glance at my phone it's enough for me to confirm that the alarms are on but nothing has set them off. Windows and doors were closed when I went to bed hours ago, I'm absolutely sure about that. I hope Chris hasn't opened her window again...

I leave my bedroom barefoot, walking quietly. My guest's door is half-open but she isn't inside, I don't have to take a look at the room to know that: I can't hear her breathing. Frowning, I keep moving cautiously through the corridor and downstairs while I remember... Last night everything was fine, despite my confessions and after sharing a kiss, it didn't felt awkward while we had dinner. Maybe because the kiss was something sweet, an attempt by Chris to give me some comfort and affection, and we stopped before it turned into something more intense and passionate. We made jokes and laugh while we did the dishes and said good night in the corridor before going to bed naturally, like we were good friends. But now I don't know where she's and my anxiety is skyrocketing again.

With my head poking through the living room door I check the area, the kitchen too. I take a deep breath finally relaxed and I put the knife behind my back, holding it with my sports bra and hiding it with the tank top I'm wearing over my underwear. I don't want her to see the knife, she already thinks I'm a bit paranoid and I don't want to scare her if she sees me walking like Norman Bates through my house.

I go into the living room stomping to let her hear me getting close despite being sitting on the couch with her back to me; I don't need to see her face to know that she was crying. I sit down next to her facing the French doors, the storm clouds come swirling in and lightning is coming down reflecting on the dark water of the sea, it's a bone-chilling view of Mother Nature's power. Quietly and without looking at her, I place my arm over Chris shoulders; out of the corner of my eye I can see her wiping away the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. We stay like this for a few minutes till she seems to feel calmer.

"Don't worry, this happens all the time, you know." My voice echoes through the room above the noise of the wind hitting the back of the house. "Despite all my training hours, the first time I was in a shootout the chaos, the noise, the cries of pain and blood really struck me. I had nightmares for a long time after that. PTSD affects us all, even the toughest soldier suffers from it sometimes, and in addition to this you lost your memories. Seriously, don't worry, you'll be fine; you'll recover your memories eventually and your mind will be able of processing these last days' events. You'll be at peace with yourself finally; the resilience of the human being is remarkable. Besides, I'm here to help you and we can talk about everything whenever you want to."

But Chris stays silent while a tear runs down her cheek, then she puts her head on my shoulder and places her arm around my waist, holding me tight. I swallow hard but I don't dare to move any muscle, taking shallow breaths only moving my lungs slightly. I try hard to keep my cool and remain unaffected by her closeness but her perfume fills my brain, my heart rate goes crazy and I break a sweat, my blood runs wild through my veins making me feel dizzy. My fingers are tingling wanting to touch her skin so badly but I keep one hand on her shoulder and the other one on my thigh. I'm sitting here to provide support and comfort and not to jump on her body like a bitch in heat, as much as I'd like to undress here right now on this couch. "Damn! Why does she have to smell so good?" I don't understand what's wrong with me when I'm by her side: on one hand I just want to take care of her and protect her, on the other hand I just want to devour her lips... and other places.

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