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I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body while I use another one to dry my head and clean the misted mirror. Staring at my own reflection I wonder if it's about time to dye my hair again, maybe I could choose a more discreet colour... I purse my lips, pensively. "No, that would be boring and the xXx agents are not boring." I wonder what my team-mates are doing while I'm having fun with Chris...

I really have fun with her, that's the truth. Chris is funny, intelligent, beautiful and has an amazing willpower despite adversity, anyone in her situation would be crying and depressed but she puts a brave face and keeps going. I like fighters. And in addition to this, we share similar tastes. We've spent the evening on the couch watching Netflix and I've liked each one of her choices of films and series; she's also discovered why watching action films with a real agent is a bad idea. I've spent hours saying: "That's just wrong, oh, no! it doesn't explode like that, the firing range of that rifle is too short for that shot, if I were the main character I wouldn't grab the gun like that or he'll shoot his own foot, a plane can't do that without crashing, that's very difficult and very dangerous... but I did it with Xander." Chris seemed cool with it and laughed every time I found an error while she was gobbling up the last crumb of a Pringles can that she didn't let me touch. She loves Pringles. Once again, the girl from this evening has nothing to do with the girl wearing Prada shoes that I rescued, and that makes me happy to be honest.

But what I don't understand is why I'm not scared to death. Under normal circumstances, if a girl gets so close to me on an emotional level, I turn into a hysterical wreck. It's not that I have commitment issues, but my line of work it's complicated and maintaining a steady relationship would demand much effort on both sides. I've never feel tempted to try one as much as I like a girl. When my occasional lovers start to get too affectionate and they make plans for our future, I cut and run and then I try to find someone new. I've never deceived anyone in my life neither, they all knew from the beginning that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship. The problem is that I can't run from Chris, thanks to my boss, and I don't want to do it really; I'm still not bored of having her in my bed, in fact, it seems to me that every time I touch her I want more. Maybe the reason why I feel so relaxed around her it's because I now that this, whatever it is, is going to be short-lived: she'll remember eventually and will go back with her family; so she's not a threat to my 'obstinate spinsterhood' as my friends call it. I hope we can still be friends when this is through, keep in touch and meet occasionally. I've grown awfully fond of Chris.

I wrap the towel better around my body and tie it in a tight knot between my breasts, then I walk through the bathroom to get to my bedroom where I left my clothes. A sound like a whistle on the other side of the door gets my attention... I told Chris that she could put some music on but this is weird... Why has she chosen the soundtrack of the movie 'The Bridge on the River Kwai'? Shocked, I open the door clearly listening to the familiar choir of whistles now. Wow! I didn't expect this... Chris is in front of me wearing one of my camo shirts and a khaki cap... and nothing else... and the shirt is unbuttoned. My eyes wide open rake over her body from head to toe without losing a detail: her serious look under the visor of the cap, her plump lips pursed, her gracile neck with flawless skin, the opened shirt allows me to see the beautiful curves of her breasts but her nipples are hidden, I can also see her navel, and further down... everything, I can see everything. And I like what I'm seeing. I swallow hard because my throat is dry all of a sudden and I step forward but Chris' voice stops me sharply:


I look at her in disbelief for a few seconds while she puts her hands behind her back and stares at me deadly serious with a raised eyebrow; I can't help noticing that the shirt is more open now. Biting my lower lip I step forward once again but Chris steps back shaking her head, her soft locks of hair dancing around her shoulders following her movements. All right... let's play. I obey and stand at attention in front of her, I know how to do it properly, my uncle showed me the perfect body position... however, I never do this in front of Gibbons. The music is still playing while she gets closer to me.

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