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"And you say that he dated Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga the same night?" Chris stares at me in disbelief while we wait for the bouncer to check our names in the VIP list, the line out the door reaches now the next block but we don't have to worry about that thanks to my boss.

"Nicks swears that it's true but with him you never know." I answer laughing while we get into the hall.

Earlier today I informed my guest about everything my boss had explained to me in his call, I didn't talk about Blue Ice or the details of our operation against drug traffickers, but I told her that we both were going out in a reconnaissance mission. I wasn't going to lie to her and told her that we were going to dance and have fun on a Friday night, I'm still getting this sense of danger around her and I'm not taking any chances: I need her to stay on alert and she has to know what to do if anything goes wrong tonight. We've also picked up her clothes carefully: she's wearing the same designer dress, black and very tight, that she wore the day I rescued her and that highlights her curves shamelessly... that's why I have to shoot a warning look at one of the bartenders that has turn around to ogle Chris' butt as we came through the door... what a jerk. Instead of wearing her stratospheric stilettos, she has chosen a pair of combat boots from my own collection, the newest ones, and she's added some rings, pendants and a leather wristband that she found in my closet to her look. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail and she's applied some smoky shadows to her eyes. The result is a combination of something very sophisticated and a rock diva that suits her well and that will be very comfortable if we have to rush out in the middle of a firefight.

I instead, I care less about the way I look: ripped jeans, a beautiful purple T-shirt, comfortable combat boots and a light jacket to hide my knives... I'm not going anywhere without them. My Sig Sauer tends to grab too much attention so I left it at home but I have my .22 in the ankle holster and I know Nicks will surely have some weapons hidden amongst his sound equipment just in case. The bouncer didn't frisk me, they don't really care about what you're wearing or what you're getting into the club if you've paid the expensive price of a VIP booth, that's why is so easy to smuggle drugs inside these kinds of places. Chris stops to look at the golden ceiling of the enormous hall that keeps the original Art Deco elements of decoration, this is the best part of the club if you ask me. There's a wide balcony overlooking the dance floor that runs along three sides of this huge rectangle, the VIP's tables are up there; the bar counters and some couches to sit down are downstairs with the DJ booth at the back of the room next to the stairs. It's still not packed with people but it's obvious, judging by the line out the door, that it'll be soon.

I enclose Chris waist with my hands and push her gently to let her know that she has to walk through the dance floor slowly before me, my hands never lose contact with her body while I monitor our surroundings. It's difficult since there're many people moving around us and anyone could stab her without anybody noticing it. "Fuck! I hate you Gibbons," I think frustrated, I must pay careful attention tonight. Finally, we reach the DJ booth and I look up, waving with my hand to the tall boy that is testing the speakers with a hit song right now. Nick answers with a gesture to beckon us closer. I can't see his face under the hood but I know he's smiling at us.

"Adele, I'm so happy to see you." My friend puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls the hood back a little to be able to look at Chris from head to toe when I introduce her to him. Nicks smiles whimsically but, before he can even open his mouth to try to flirt with her, I elbow him hard in the ribs. He winces and stares at me raising an eyebrow: message received. I'm glad to be working with men that are able to get the hint so easily.

"So the boss got you working during your holiday too," I raise my voice to be heard over the music.

"Well, actually I've been working as a DJ here and there all around the country, having fun while I kept an eye on the club owners and their staff trying to determine if they were aware of the drug dealing under their noses. It's more or less what I do every holiday so I have no problem with it, it has nothing to do with what you've done. Blue Ice sells well but the product shortage it's starting to show and some junkies are freaking out, they'd do whatever is necessary to chase the next fix so, whoever is behind this business, he needs to put on the market the last shipment soon.

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