Chapter 3

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Garroth wondered why Lord Aphmau wanted him to follow but, he knew that as a loyal guard to Phoenix Drop he had to listen to whatever she told him to do, even if it meant to leap into battle right now.

Aphmau led Garroth into her house, then sat on her sofa. She made a motion with her hand for him to sit beside her. Garroth hesitated but, sat beside Aphmau, her amber eyes glowed in the dim light from her lamp by the sofa. She smiled at him and muttered, "Garroth, I have a favor to ask of you, I know it's so soon after Zane's request but, they have a new guard in training and I thought you might be the best one to train her."

"I-I will." Garroth nodded.

"Thank you." Aphmau smiled, "Anyways, goodnight Garroth, see you tomorrow."

"Night m'lady." Garroth responded, he watched her leave towards her room then stood up and headed to the door, only to hear screaming coming from Aphmau's room, Garroth hesitated knowing he probably should check on her. He gulped then raced towards Aphmau's room and opened the door.

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