Chapter 5

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Garroth yawned as he awoke the following morning at sat up. His blonde hair covered his left eyes and he brushed it away. He knew that he only had 1 more days left until he had to go and meet Zane. He also remembered what happened the following night and suppressed a shiver. He got up and grabbed his sword and headed outside the guard house only to see a little girl in purple armor tapping his shoulder. She had a helmet on her head that covered her face and had a lavender cape tossed over her back. 

"Sir, are you head guard Garroth?" The girl questioned, she seemed less like the other guards in training who wanted to bounce around. She seemed more serious and somehow it reminded Garroth of himself back when he was training to be a guard.

"Yes, I'm the head guard, who are you?" Garroth responded. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of trick.

"mmm? me, oh, I'm Lilac sir. I'm training to be a guard and was told you would teach me." Lilac answered, she looked up at Garroth and Garroth knew that it wasn't a trick, he remembered Aphmau saying there was a kid he had to train.

"Alright, you can come on patrol with me, today we are patrolling the gates."

"Oh ok!" Lilac said as she followed Garroth towards the gates, he froze and looked at her, she still had her helmet on. 

"Why don't you take your helmet off?"

"I-I don't want to otherwise I might get hurt."

"Nobody here in Phoenix Drop will hurt you Lilac." Garroth frowned Lilac reminded him of himself when he was a guard and never took off his helmet.

She shrugged and continued to go towards the gate, Garroth walked beside her and froze as he saw a familiar face at the gates glaring at him and Lilac. Lilac tugged her helmet on tighter and Garroth walked towards the gates, "Zane?"

A Guard's Promise, {Garroth's Point Of View}Where stories live. Discover now