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10 years had passed since Garroth was almost killed by Zane and since Garroth and Aphmau had adopted Lilac. Garroth stood at the gates with Lilac beside him. A memory hit him when they looked down at the forest. He remembered the time he was almost killed by his brother, and how Lilac had saved him. He looked at Lilac and smiled.

"Dad?" Lilac asked, "Isnt that Zane and hi-"

Garroth looked down at the forest and saw Zane's sky blue eyes looking back at him, Zane looked at an archer who stood beside him. He made a motion with his hand at the archer and the archer shot an arrow, the arrow aimed for Garroth, Garroth tried to move but it was to late, the arrow hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground.

"DAD!" Lilac screeched and threw her arms around him as he lay on the ground, Garroth wiped away her tears with his left hand and his eyes closed. The whites in his eyes turned grey as he lay there dead.

Garroth's soul left his body and he looked at Lilac as she dragged him back home, "I will never forget you Lilac, Nor your mother." He turned around and saw his adopted brother vlad standing beside him and they both vannished into the night.

A Guard's Promise, {Garroth's Point Of View}Where stories live. Discover now