Chapter 4

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Garroth raced towards Aphmau's bedroom and opened the door, ounce he opened it he saw lots of Zane's guard's surrounding Aphmau as she stood in the corner of her room. She held her sword tightly in her hand and stared at the guards with wide eyes.

Garroth raced towards her side and pulled his sword out, his eyes narrowed as he yelled, "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He lashed his sword out at the nearest guard making him backaway. "Coward." Garroth muttered, "Why are y-"

The guard that backed away leaped at garroth and pinned him to the ground, The guard's sword was pulled at Garroth's neck making him choke as he tried to push him off but he was bigger and weighed more than Garroth did. Garroth saw Lord Aphmau fighting two other guards as she stood in the corner. Garroth felt his heart thunder as he knew that battle was over they lost. But suddenly Zane's guard's vannished into thin air.

Garroth heathed a sigh and sat up. He looked at his lord as she stood in the same spot looking around clearly as confused as he was. "M'lady, are you ok or are you injured?"

"I-I'm fine Garroth, just alittle shocked." Aphmau responded, She looked up and her eyes met his. "What do you think this meant."

Garroth looked away and muttered, "Possibly that if I don't go see Zane you will be killed, along with the rest of Phoenix Drop..." His eyes narrowed as the memory of Zane at the gate flashbacked in his head.

"Perhaps, anyways night...Again.?"

"Night my lord." Garroth answered then walked away, He hoped that he would see Aphmau still and not die from a trap.

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