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 It was snowing in O'kasis and 2 brothers were standing in the front yard of their house. A tall teenager with dark blue eyes and blonde hair and  his younger brother. His brother had Black hair and sky blue eyes.  These two brothers had many differences, The oldest one wanted to become a guard while the second wanted to be noticed and not live under his brothers shadow.

"Zane, want to see a trick?" The oldest brother asked, a glint of amusement hid in his blue eyes.

Zane sighed, "Garroth don't thro-" Zane was quickly interrupted by his brother as he threw a snow-ball at Zane. "HEY!" Zane yelled.

"Hah!" Garroth giggled.

Zane muttered something through gritted teeth then stormed away. Leaving his brother Garroth watching him, I hate living under his shadow.. Everyone expects me to be like him! A memory filled Zane's vision.

He was back in 4th grade and his teacher was shaking her head in disgust at him, "Man, the Ro'meaves only have one good child? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Oh well, at least Garroth will always be remembered and favorited by me and the whole school!"

Zane wiped away tears and looked up at the sky, Mark my words Garroth, One day I will rule every village and YOU, YOU WILL BOW TO ME!

A Guard's Promise, {Garroth's Point Of View}Where stories live. Discover now