Chapter 13

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Garroth awoke the next morning to find Chester looking at his arm again, Chester looked at Garroth and nodded at him, "your arm seemes fine, you just need to keep a cast on it but, you will be fine, your friends is also ok. She is actually asking for you yet we keep telling her your fine she still seems worried, anyways your both allowed to leave."

Garroth nodded, "I owe you my respect."

"No probem." Chester responded as he wrapped a cast around Garroth's left arm, "Anyways your free to go."

"Thanks again." Garroth said as he stood up and walked out the room with Chester leading him to the reception area. Chester then left Garroth there, and Garroth looked around for Lilac and saw her staring at the ground crying. She obviously didnt see him. Garroth walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her in a small hug. "Lilac..."

Lilac gasped in response and Garroth tore away from her, "Your.."

Garroth nodded, "Dont worry, I didnt die.." Yet... he added to himself, "Anyways we are free to gi back to Phoenix Drop. And thanks to you we are both alive."

Lilac sniffled and nodded, Garroth lead her out of the hospital and went to the gates with her by his side. They nodded to a guard as he opened the gates for them. Garroth smiled at Lilac and lead her out of Ok'asis and into the forest again.

A Guard's Promise, {Garroth's Point Of View}Where stories live. Discover now