Chapter 6.0

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Andy's excitement over her progress with Sweet Pea was ruined by a single call from Betty Cooper. 

"We know who the Sugar Man is."

Betty and Veronica told Andy over the phone how she was planning to handle the news and Andy agreed that, under the circumstances, it was a good plan. But even after the cops arrested Robert Phillips, the Black Hood got his way, and Phillips was shot and killed in jail.

Even a jail, crawling with cops, wasn't immune to the Black Hood's wrath. Andy's paranoia was returning.

The next morning Andy found herself walking through Riverdale High in line with Betty, Veronica, and Kevin. 

"Guys, I'm worried about my dad. The town is turning on him. He's trying his best under these crazy circumstances, but this Black Hood stuff is really getting to him."

This only put Andy more on edge. If the sheriff was freaked out, how was the rest of the town supposed to feel?

The three girls spoke almost at once.

"How is he dealing with it?"

"Yeah, what's he been doing?"

"How does he cope?"

"He's not sleeping. He's not eating. I hear him rummaging around the house at odd hours talking to himself. Just heading out in the middle of the night."

"Where do you think he's going?"

"Where's he going?"

"Where does he go?"

"I don't know but whatever it is it's . . ." Kevin sighed, widening his eyes and shaking his head. "It's like he's a different person."

Betty, Roni, and Andy all met in an empty classroom. 

Betty and Roni both seemed to have the same theory of where Sheriff Keller might be going.

"Okay, well could you please share this information with me so I can be on the same page?" Andy requested.

"He's having and affair--"

"He's the Black Hood--"

Both girls turned to look at each other while Andy considered the options. V immediately shuts down Betty's theory. "Is that a joke?"

The girls battled their theories out while Andy considered them by herself. The only way to truly know would be to follow him. V grabbed her expensive purse and vowed to prove her theory, exiting the classroom.

Since Veronica didn't seem to need help, Andy went with Betty to interview Sheriff Keller.


They took turns asking questions as Betty took notes down. Betty was there to interview and gain possible proof while Andy was there to distract. Her questions were less information driven and more like, "Hey, where did you get this picture frame?" and "That's a cool pen, can I see it?". 

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