Chapter Two: The Pair

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"How are you, darlin'?"

Nico smiled as a warm pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. He leaned against the warm body behind him, turning his head to meet the lips of his lover.

"I'm just fine," he sighed, gazing out the window of the castle. "I'm a bit hungry though.."

"Anything for my Angel," Will kissed the top of Nico's head, holding him tightly.

The prince bit his lip and ran his hand onto the stomach of his lover, letting it linger there. Nico smiled and placed his own hand over Will's tan one. "Be patient, il mio amore," he teased, canning his neck a bit to meet the blue eyes of the prince. "It doesn't happen over night. It'll take, what, a week or so until we know if I'm pregnant or not.."

Will groaned, burying his face into Nico's black curls. He was impatient when it came to things like this. Even if it has been less than 24 hours since Will and Nico had laid together as partners. It would take much longer for the child to reach his womb than that.

"Come, principe azzurro," Nico squirmed past Will only to take his hand again and begin to lead him out of the room. "I'm hungry."

"Is that a sign that we'll be parents?" Will asked playfully. Nico rolled his eyes.

"If it did, I would have had a millions children by now," Nico chuckled. "Because I will admit, I'm always hungry."

Will's castle was quite large. Well, his whole kingdom was large. It was a very wealthy kingdom. It rivaled the Kingdom of Procellas, which was another very large and wealthy kingdom. Sadly, the two kingdoms have never been very friendly towards each other. So, rivals they remain.

Nico knows the castle like the back of his hand. He knows all the room, all the hallways, all the secret escape ways hidden in plan sight. Thanks to Will, who personally showed him around the day he moved in. For them, it was almost like love at first sight. No one approved. A prince with a village boy? It was unheard of. But after proving that Nico could provide Will an heir to his throne, which is all his parents truly wanted, their relationship was allowed.

Will felt as if Nico was leading him. Even if this was the castle he was born and raised in all his life. He knew Nico was just excited to get into the kitchen. Seeing him stare in awe at their almost never-ending supply of foods from near and far was something Will could never get used to.

There was a lot about his beloved that he couldn't get over. Like the toothy smile he gave, which was sometimes a rare sight. The only "smiles" Nico ever seemed to give was a mischievous smirk that made Will want to scold him like a mother would and tell him to stop whatever he was planning. Even if it was nothing at all.

He loved Nico's eyes. They were a deep, chocolate brown that seemed to grow brighter or darker based on his emotions. The way they grew big when he was shocked or when he found something interesting. The way they narrowed in a slight glare or pout when Will would tease him. And the way he could read the black haired boy like a book by only looking into his eyes.

The list of things Will loved about Nico was beyond infinite. But as Nico dragged him into the kitchen in search of a pre-supper snack, he couldn't help but mentally add more to it. Nico was so perfect in every way. And Will cherished every moment he had with him as if the next would be his last.

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