Chapter Twenty: The Swear

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"Get out."

A girl around Will's age had been sent into his room. Her skin was an almost caramel color with dark brown hair to match. Instead of having it flowing down over her shoulders, as most princesses preferred, hers was put up in a loose ponytail. Her eyes were almost like a kaleidoscope, always changing colors as the light hit her. Her clothing was simple for a princess, her dress not big and puffy as Will's seen. Just a simple royal purple with no added accessories, something that seemed crazy for a princess to wear. Yet Will did like it. Didn't stop him from harshly snapping at the girl once she entered.

"Well that's no way for a prince to act," the girl's tone was half surprised and half amused. Almost to show her how "un-princely" he was, Will replied to her comment with a simple roll of the eyes.

"Whatever my parents told you, forget about it. I am not courting you, nor will I ever marry you." Will turned back to the book he was reading, sitting slightly hunched over at his desk. The book belonged to Nico. Will couldn't understand it since it was written in his love's native tongue, which he had yet to even learn how to understand.

Footsteps came up behind him and he could feel the heat coming off of the princess's body as she stood close to him. He almost expected her to wrap her arms around him and kiss his cheek in an attempt to seduce him, but she didn't. Thankfully.

"Can you even read that?" Her voice close to his ear as she peeked over his shoulder. "What language is that?"

Will growled and slammed the book shut, straightening himself abruptly which made the princess behind him stumble back in surprise. He turned in his chair, glaring at her.

"Listen, I already have a fiance-"

"Oh really?" The princess arched an eyebrow. "I heard that you both were separated for awhile now. Don't try and make excuses, prince."

Will's eyes hardened as he rose from his seat. The princess took a step back as Will stormed out of the room and towards his father's office. Not bothering to knock, he threw the door open to find his father sitting at his desk, clearly startled by his son's sudden entrance.


"What the fuck?!"

Apollo flinched slightly, knowing exactly why his son was upset. "Will, listen. I know you're still grieving, but you have to think about the future of the kingdom. You need to move on. Give Miss McLean a chance."

"Your idea of encouraging me to move on is sending prissy little girls into my room, telling them that Nico and I are over?!" Will shook his head in disgust, hands clenching into fists as for the first time in his life, he wanted to hit someone. Mainly, his father. "I can't believe you. I'm not giving up on my love, Father. So you can send home whoever else is on the waiting list, because I'm not seeing them. Unless Nico's corpse is brought to this kingdom and proven to be him, I refuse to stop looking. You're not going to make me." With that, the prince spun and slammed the door shut, not giving his father a chance to respond.

Will immediately returned to his room, where the princess was waiting inside. "I think it's time for you to leave."

The princess sighed. "Prince William, come on. You can't be single forever. I'm not saying we should get married and have kids right away, but at least accept the fact that your lover's done-"

Will couldn't help it. He snapped. He rushed forward, grabbing the princess by the arm and yanking her to the door. Despite the protests, he shoved her out of his room and slammed the door shut. He stayed pressed against it for a little while, his face in his hands as he heard the princess's footsteps echo as they grew further and further away. Once he was unable to hear them completely, he sighed heavily and slid down into a sitting position.

"I'm not going to 'move on'," he grumbled bitterly, lowering his hands from his face and resting them on his knees. "Never. Even if he's-" he stopped himself before he could say that. Nico wasn't dead. There was no way.

"I swear on my kingdom, I will not rest until my love is safe in my arms again.."

Strong Willed (Slave AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum