Chapter Twenty-One: The New King

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"I hate this.."

Another month had passed quickly. Only, it didn't feel very quick. Morning sickness had been so horribly tiring to Nico for the months it lasted. The fatigue also wasn't a very fun thing to deal with. Only that didn't go away. Nico felt like he couldn't walk from his room to the bathroom without wanting to pass out. Apperently that wasn't normal, because Mila would always seem really concerned. That wasn't at all comforting.

Sally came by again. Nico immediately knew something must have been wrong because of the slightly worried and surprised "Oh!" Sally gave when she walked into his room and saw the boy sitting on the foot of his bed.

"What?" Nico frowned, his arm coming up to cover the growing bump.

Nico couldn't help but feel self conscious about his growing abdomen. Although it's been weeks, he could still feel Jason's hand pressing firmly against the bump. Since then, he didn't let anyone touch him. Mila was an exception, but a small one. There were some times Nico didn't want her touching him either.

"N-Nothing!" Sally gave a reassuring smile that didn't meet her eyes. Mila placed her hand on Nico's knee in an attempt to comfort him, but it only made the carrier jump a bit. The older woman pulled away, smiling apologeticlly at him.

Sally knelt down in front of Nico, asking him to lift his shirt up. Nico hesitated before complying slowly. Her warm, soft hands ran across his stomach, the bump seeming more of an unhealthy swelling than a sign of pregnancy thanks to how skinny the rest of Nico was.

He had yet to feel the baby move and kick inside of him, which Sally simply said was perfectly normal. He didn't like the idea of it. The strange feeling of a little life feeding off of his own, a life he hadn't even wanted to create, was terrifying to him.

"So, you should be feeling your little one kicking around in about a week or so.." She said softly as she continued to inspect his stomach. "Hm.. How do you feel exactly? More tired, yes?"

"A lot more tired," Nico mumbled, scooting back on the bed and pulling his shirt down. "I can't even leave the room I sleep in without feeling out of breath. It's annoying. My back and feet are starting to hurt whenever I stand and I hate it."

Sally smiled and straightened herself, giving him a soft pat on the cheek. "I know, dear. I understand. Pregnancy is hard. I'm not sure about carrier pregnancies but.." She glances down at Nico's bump again. "Nevermind. It's nothing. I am a little concerned about your extra fatigue though."

"Is.. That a bad thing?" Nico's hand rested on his stomach, still frowning at the bump.

"No, no." Sally waved her hand dismissively with a smile. "I'm sure it's a carrier thing. You know. Just the way your body is reacting to the fetus. I'm sure yours will be a healthy little thing."

"How bad is it going to get?!"

Sally stood up with a laugh. She had heard the question many times before.

"It depends how big the little one wants to get. How good you're eating. How well your body is transferring the nutrients to the baby.." Sally gave Nico another warm smile. "But other then that, you look perfectly fine. I'm sure the fatigue is just because this is your first child. You've never experienced this before. So everything just seems.. Well.. Intense."

Nico nodded, deciding that made sense. Unless this was just the kid deciding to be a little pain in the ass, which he was starting to suspect. Sally left after Nico thanked her for the check up, Mila giving him a quick hug and motherly peck on the cheek before excusing herself as well.


"So, you have proof?"

Jason sighed heavily, trying not to appear too disrespectful. Not that he cared, but he rather get this over with as soon as possible.

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