Chapter Eleven: The Stress

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How you ever been so stressed out, you puked? Well, that's how Nico's been feeling for much too long. Either he feels like he needs to vomit, or he does. Being in such a small cell, he refused to call that prison Jason gave him a room, didn't help either. The smell of his own vomit just made him even more nauseous. When Mila did come to check on him, she would always help clean up. Nico felt terrible every time she had to clean his vomit.

"I want to go home.." Nico mumbled miserably. Mila had made him lay down in the cot, saying being sick and sleeping on the floor doesn't mix. Nico didn't see why. She probably just didn't want him on the floor, period. "I hate it here. I miss my family.."

"You won't be here for long," Mila tried to reassure him. But Nico had a hard time believing her. Why would he waste so much money on Nico to just free him later? He definitely didn't buy him out of the kindness of his heart.

The nausea made Nico afraid to eat, so he didn't. He didn't want to risk throwing it all up. He threw up some eggs Mila brought for him, and he didn't want to go through that again. Luckily, he was able to keep down toast and bacon. Nico would die if he couldn't eat bacon.

"You need to eat more, dear.." Mila pushed his plate of pancakes closer to him. Nico curled up so he was no where near him, pouting like a stubborn child.

"It makes me sick."

"No, not eating is making you sick."

"I don't want to throw up again.."

"How do you know you'll throw this up?"

Mila and Nico had a staring contest before Nico gave in. "If I throw this up-"

"Then I won't force you to eat anything you don't want to."

Nico nodded, sighing and picking up the fork that Mila brought with the food. He took a small piece into his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and waited. When the nausea didn't come, Nico eagerly picked up the food and began shoveling it into his mouth. Mila laughed softly in the background.

"I told you, dear."

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