Chapter Seventeen: The King

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"Fuck off!"

Ever since Mila had suggested he was pregnant, Nico has been almost aggressive towards Jason. Yelling, throwing things, even physically attacking the prince if he was close enough. He was angry.

Angry he had been taken away from where he belonged, like some animal.

Angry Jason had the nerve to do.. what he did.

Angry he might be carrying his devil child.

And he made sure Jason knew that.

"Stop acting like this," Jason hissed. Nico had pressed himself on the furthest wall from Jason he could find in his "room". The two stood at a standoff, their glaring eyes locked. Neither even thinking about standing down. "I'm showing you to my father. Now come."

"I'm not a dog," Nico growled, not dropping his hard gaze. "I'm not your pet. You can't just use me and show me off like some kind of trophy."

Jason snorted. "There's nothing about you to show off. I want you for yoir uterus. I don't give a fuck about you."

Nico smiled a sickly sweet little smile. "Aww. Likewise."

Jason rolled his eyes and lunged, grabbing Nico by the thin shirt he was wearing and yanked him forward. Nicp yelped, stumbling forward and gripping onto Jason to keep from falling. The prince chuckled at that, prompting Nico to growl and quickly straighten himself.

"Now be good-"

"Woof woof," Nico sneered.

Jason closed his eyes and inhaled, trying to keep himself from doing anything uncalled for before continuing. "-and let's go see my father."

Nico huffed as Jason gripped his small forearm, with a force that made Nico fear it may snap in half, and pulled him out of the tiny room while shutting the door behind him.


Nico felt his skin crawl as the older man seemed to inspect him. The feeling of eyes was almost unbearable for Nico. And they always seemed to be on him. It was a heated and unnerving feeling. But Nico just kept his head up and let the man do what he wished.

"He's a little small," Zeus said finally.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not a some big fat pi-"

Nico winced when a hand connected with the back of his head. He stumbled, struggling to keep from falling over. He shot Jason a dirty look, who was sending one right back at him, and rubbing the sore spot on his head. Asshole.

Zeus only laughed. "I like this one," his voice was so amused Nico wanted to slap the smirk off his ugly face. "I hope you can get something out of him. A sassy young man, preferably."

Nico rolled his eyes, grimacing at the thought of the child he may be carrying. If he could punch himself in the stomach hard enough, he would. But he doubted he could. And he's tried.

"Yes Father," Jason said, his voice was monotone and blank. He truly didn't care for the old king. "I hope for that as well."

Nico growled as he was pulled out of the throne room. And he was this close to taking a chunk out of the man's arm.

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