Chapter Seven: The Prince

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"Who's Annabeth?"

That was the first thought Nico had after the servant was dragged out of the room. It was a stupid question, especially in that very situation. But Nico was just so stunned with shock that he didn't know what else to do, and certainly didn't want to stand there with his jaw on the ground like a fool. So he said the first thing that came to mind.

The prince seemed amused by this, shooting Nico a smirk before Nico suddenly found himself tumbling to the floor. Nico let out a sharp yelp, hitting the stone floor with a thud. Jason had kicked his legs from underneath him. The black haired boy struggled to at least get to his knees when he felt someone grab a fistful of his black curls and force his head to raise and meet the prince's dull blue eyes.

"Don't worry about it," Jason purred from his knelt position on the floor in front of Nico. "Now, you're the carrier huh? Can you prove it?"

Nico gave a death glare to the prince, which obviously had no effect on him. When he didn't answer, Jason scoffed and let the boy's head fall back on the floor. Nico winced, growling softly.

"Fine. Be that way," Jason hissed, roughly grabbing Nico's arm. The boy didn't react since he had been treated this was since his capture. That servant boy was the only one who didn't drag him with a grip that would most likely leave bruises.

Nico found himself being dragged down a large hallway. Finally, about three doors down from the prince's room, Nico was pulled into another, much smaller room. It was a pathetic excuse for a bedroom. It was small with a single candle on a small bedside table to provide light, which was pushed in a corner away from anything. There was a cot for a bed (the mattress had some large mystery stain that made it clear whatever created it had spread quite far and possibly dripped onto the floor from both sides) with no sheet. The room had walls made of what resembled bedrock.

"What, no hot towels?" Nico said, his tone bored. "No chocolate on the pillows? Or any pillows?"

Jason laughed, shoving Nico into the room. "You're a funny one, huh? Hopefully my furtue son doesn't have your smart tongue."

Nico tensed, eyes wide. "Wh-What?!" He sputtered, stumbling and struggling to not end up on the floor again. "What the hell do you mean?!"

Jason smiled, a sickly sweet smile, and shut the door. Nico could hear small gears snapping into place. That bastard prince had locked him in.

"So the handcuffs aren't coming off?!" Nico tried to call through the door, but received no response. Either Jason was already gone, or he was ignoring him. Both were very likely.

Nico groaned, glancing at the dirty cot with a disgusted look. Will had spoiled him quite a bit during their time together. Nico wasn't comfortable with it at first, and tried to convince him to stop, but Will wasn't taking no for an answer. So the pale boy had grown a liking to the rich life. The thought of sleeping in anything but the large bed Will sleeps on with it's silk blankets and goose down pillows, curled up to the warm body of his lover wasn't very inviting to Nico. He sighed, sitting down at the foot of his and curling up.

"I need to get out of here.." he mumbled, letting his eyes fall shut.

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