Chapter 5: Alone

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   You were awoken by a tear landing on your face. Your eyes opened to see Simon leaning over you... crying. He had never cried in front of you before, and you already hated it. The sound of crackling fire and collapsing rubble rang throughout the town, or at least whatever was left of it.

   "Simon... what happened?" You asked. Simon sighed in relief. Had you been out for awhile? He wiped away his tears and looked up at the sky. "A bomb wiped out the town. I-I thought you died
Y/N... you've been unconscious for a couple of days." He explained, then started to tear up again. You sat up and hugged him. "It'll be ok..." you whispered then stood up. Simon did the same.

   Your town was completely destroyed. Windows were shattered, buildings were down and fire was everywhere.

   Then your heart sank. Your friends, what happened to them? "Simon, did people survive? Are we alone?" Simon lowered his head and sighed. "I don't think so. I'm sorry." Your mind went all over the place. Horrifying thoughts and ideas crossed your mind. Your friends were dead. It was just you and Simon.

   It was freezing cold, probably due to the crown. Simon seemed to notice you freezing, because he took off his black coat and handed it to you. "Here. I'm used to the cold by now." He said. You took the coat and put it on.

   "So... do we have to survive the end of the world now?" You asked. Simon shrugged. "I suppose so." He lifted up a piece of a wall to reveal a backpack. Simon took it and put it on. "Let's go." He said.

   You two walked along the deserted streets. Simon took a couple of pictures along the way. This was definitely not what you were planning to do in your life. You really were alone.

   Nightfall came in an instant. "We're gonna have to find a place to stay Y/N." Simon took off his backpack and opened it. "This is a backpacking kit. There's sleeping bags and stuff." He reached inside the bag and pulled out one sleeping bag. He handed it to you. "There's only one... you can have it. I'll be fine." Simon said. You laid out the bed and sat on it. Simon had fallen asleep next to it, and he looked afraid. You fell asleep not long after.

   The cry of a little girl woke up the two of you. You quickly packed up your sleeping bag and handed it to Simon. "We need to find that girl." You said. Simon agreed and the two of you ran in the direction of the cry.

   You and Simon found the girl in about 4 minutes. It was your neighbor. She survived! Simon looked at you and dropped his backpack. You both ran towards the girl and she looked up at you. "What should we do?" Simon whispered. "I'm not s-sure." You admitted. You looked behind you and saw a toy shop. "Let's get her a toy Simon." You suggested.

   You rushed over to the toy shop and picked up a red teddy bear with blue eyes. You walked back and Simon handed the girl the toy. She gave a weak smile which made you nearly start to cry. The girl hugged the toy tightly, then hugged you and Simon.

   You realized that now you had a child to take care of.
   And there's a short but sweet chapter for you readers! The next chapter is going to take me a lot longer to write, so just letting you know. See you in the next chapter!

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