Chapter 6: Marcy

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   The small child looked at you. "Excuse me lady, but where's my mom and dad?" She asked. She glanced over at Simon. "And who's this old man?" Simon opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off. "We'll tell her, don't worry." You whispered.

   You hesitated, then began to explain everything. "I'm not sure where your parents are, I'm sorry. Simon and I are going to have to take care of you until we find them." The girl's eyes lit up. She hugged you once more. "Oh good! My dad was scary." She muttered. You laughed, and Simon did as well. "What's your name sweetie?" You asked in a sweet voice. "Marceline. You can call me Marcy."

   After a while of explaining backstories and other important things to Marcy, a low growling sound was heard. Simon stopped and immediately reached for his crown. You grabbed his arm. "Simon... don't do this. It's just an animal!" You pleaded. A large brown creature emerged from behind a building, oozing with green liquid. Marcy started crying and you began to comfort her.

   Simon put the crown on his head, and you heard that awful laugh once more. Marceline hugged her toy tightly. After freezing the monster, Simon faced the two of you. A twisted smile spread across his face. Snow fell down as he walked in your direction. "Hey Marcy... me and your mother are going to take good care of you..." Simon said slowly. Had he just called you her parent?! You frowned and reached for his crown. You yanked it off and threw it to the ground. "Simon! What's happening to you?!" You yelled.

   You felt someone tugging on your jacket. You turned to see a sad Marcy, staring at you in shock. "Don't be sad Y/N. It's just the crown..." She reminded you. You sighed and picked up the crown. "I know..."

   Simon walked next to you. "The monster's gone now. Lets go Y/N." He paused. "...and Marcy."

   Night came once again, and the three of you set up camp. You and Marceline had to share the same sleeping bag, and Simon slept next to you on the ground. You felt bad. He was still awake when you and Marcy fell asleep.

   You woke up in an entirely different place. The colors were so cute and bright they looked as if they were candy. The sweet smell of baked goods and sweets filled the strange world. Then your heart dropped. Simon and Marcy weren't there.

   The sound of a guitar distracted you from that thought. The person singing along sounded oddly familiar and the song was about fries or something weird like that. You were about to turn around when someone grabbed you. They let out a maniacal laugh and took you away from the colorful place into a castle made of ice. The kidnapper through you in a cage and everything went black.

   The sound of someone calling your name woke you up. It was Simon. "Morning princess." He said, kissing you on the cheek. You smiled, completely forgetting about the weird dream you just had. Marcy came trotting over to you with a box of pancakes. "Hey Y/N! I found breakfast!" She declared.

   Simon chuckled. "That reminds me of a food invention I made once. I called them Bacon Pancakes." He said. Your eyes lit up. "That sounds awesome! I bet people will be making that in 1,000 years. Simon Petrikov's Bacon Pancakes!" You joked. Then a terrible thought crossed your mind.

   Will the world still exist in a thousand years?

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