Chapter 7: Strange Dreams

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You stopped eating your food for a moment, letting that thought sink in. Marceline looked at you. "Hey Y/N... how old do you think I am?" She randomly asked. "Four...?" You guessed. "I'm 7!" She pouted. You couldn't help smiling at her adorable personality. Marcy really is a good kid to have around.

Simon looked at Marcy. "Hey Marcy, do you have an idea for a jingle for Bacon Pancakes?" He asked cheerfully. It was obvious that he was trying to change the subject. Marcy thought for a moment, then began to sing.

"Bacon Pancakes, makin' Bacon Pancakes.
Take some bacon and I put it in a pancake.
Bacon Pancakes, that's what it's gonna make.
Bacon Pancakes!"

You clapped and Simon chuckled. Marcy had talent, especially for someone her age.

The rest of the day was definitely better then the days you three had been having. You even caught Simon singing the song Marceline had made for him. It was adorable seeing both of them getting along so well. If you didn't know, you would've mistaken them for a father and child. She was kind of your child in a way.

There hadn't been any more monsters since that one day, which had you relieved. You could tell Simon was trying his hardest to stay away from the crown, but he seemed to have more trouble nowadays. Sometimes it was even worrying.

Towards the afternoon, Marcy had begun teaching you a song that her mother sang to her. They were definitely a musical family. Poor kid, you thought. She might not get to see them again.

"So the end part goes like this." Marcy begun.

"Ever so slightly, daily and nightly,
in little ways,
everything stays."

You repeated that line and she smiled a weak smile. "Thank you Y/N." She hugged you. You looked over at Simon, who had started to tear up. Such an emotional man, you thought.

Suddenly you heard the sound of something falling near you. A building had started to collapse. Marcy screamed, as she was standing right under it. You pushed her to the side and took the hit. The muffled sounds of Simon trying to comfort Marcy was all you could hear before blacking out.

You opened your eyes to see that same blue man from your dream playing a song with a girl you recognized. You stood outside, peering into the window. Tears trickled down your face, you were sad. Why were you sad? Why were you outside a stranger's home? You then realized you couldn't breathe. A terrified voice yelled out your name, and the world seemed to crumble and fade around you.

You were immediately blinded by a bright light. After your eyes adjusted you saw Simon and Marcy leaning over you, scared to death. "Guys... what happened? Are you ok Marcy?" You muttered. "You saved Marcy's life Y/N..." Simon paused. "Don't leave me now!" He struggled to say. He hugged you tightly.

You tried to get up, but a huge pain overcame you. Simon panicked. "Stay here with Y/N, ok Marcy?" He said and ran off. Marcy looked down at you. "You got crushed by a building Y/N... you're not going to die on us, right?" She asked. You shook your head and blacked out again.

This time a pink lady stood in front of you. She was asking questions like: "Are you sure you want me to do this?" and "If I remove the magic and reduce the age, this means you will both eventually die." You stopped her. "This isn't the life he deserved." You said. "I'm going to make it right for him, and for me."

You heard Marcy's worried voice explaining what happened to you to Simon. Your vision came back and you sat up. The pain wasn't as bad as before, and it was clearly nighttime. "How did this..." you thought out loud. "A trick I learned from an old friend. She was a big fan of wizardry. I'm surprised it even worked, and I'm so glad it did." Simon admitted. You hugged him and Marcy. "I love you guys." You said.
A/N: Yeah... things are getting dark in this story. Don't worry though, the next few chapters won't be as dark. See you all in the next one!

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