Chapter 9: Getting Worse

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A/N: I'm reading through these chapters and realizing how many things go horribly wrong lol
   "Simon, is it just me, or is it starting to get colder?" You asked. Ever since Simon put the crown on this morning, everything was at a low temperature. Simon shrugged. "I think it's just getting closer to nightfall..." he glanced at you at jolted up. "I-I mean... do you need anything? Oh god... oh god... this is all my fault!" He started panicking and Marcy backed up.

   Clouds swirled around Simon and it begun to snow. You held his hands. "Simon! I'm fine... stop freaking out."
Simon smiled and the snow stopped. "Ok. Sorry princess, this magic is pretty strange." Marcy looked up at the two of you. "Don't kiss again please..." She begged. You let go of Simon and looked away. Simon awkwardly laughed.

   You ended up setting up camp near the frozen deer. Simon had found a way to make a fire pit, and Marcy was ready for sleep. You were as well, but you needed to help Simon.

   Simon set up a broken TV. "Simon, I really don't think that's gonna work." You said, but he shook his head. "I'll make it work,-" Simon handed you an empty juice box. "-give this to Marcy and tell her to turn on the TV. This'll be worth it."

   You handed Marcy the 'remote' and told her what to do. She did, and Simon began to sing the theme song for Cheers. You remembered how he hummed that tune on your first date, when F/N was watching it. F/N...

   Simon began acting as the different characters, and then he gave you a signal to come with him. You did so, and preformed a whole episode for Marcy. She really was like a child to you. The thought made you blush slightly. A child... who would've thought?

   Marcy began clapping when the episode finished, then broke into a coughing fit. Simon ran over to her and felt her forehead. "Oh no... Y/N, she's sick." He said. A frown spread across your face. "She should get some rest. Looks like we're not getting sleep tonight." You sighed, still looking at Marcy.

   She fell asleep very quickly, and you both struggled to stay awake and make sure Marcy was okay. You eventually fell asleep as well.

   You were in your kitchen. The sunset shone through your house. Footsteps pattered around in the hallway and giggles of children echoed through the home. Simon wrapped his arm around you, and you smiled at him. You put some seasoning into the food you were making and placed it in the oven. You and Simon kissed and you felt something tugging at your shirt. A child. Your child. The food finished baking and you took it out of the oven. It was a pie. You gave the child a pat on the head.

   The doorbell rang. Simon nodded at you and you walked towards the door. A woman with pale skin and black hair greeted you both with a bouquet of flowers. You offered her the pie. The words "this could've happened" and "you shouldn't have let him get the crown" played in your mind over and over. You suddenly felt cold, and your Simon looked unrecognizable. Then, something grabbed onto you.

   You jolted awake. Why were you having weird dreams? Was this whole thing really your fault?

   Something was still grabbing onto you. You turned over to see Simon holding onto you, asleep. He fell asleep holding you?! You blushed and slowly moved away from Simon, who didn't move at all. He finally woke up and screamed. "You're... you're awake?!" He said, embarrassed. He let go of you.

   "Simon, I..." you stopped. Maybe it's best he doesn't know about the dream you had. "Never mind." You added. "Princess, about this morning... I..." Simon began. You cut him off. "Nah, it was sweet." You leaned towards him. The sound of footsteps getting nearer stopped you.

   "Y/N, Simon, what did I say yesterday?!" Marcy yelled, then burst into another coughing fit. You sighed. You noticed she was holding a plate of what looked like intestines and leaves. Gross.

   Simon felt Marcy's forehead again. "It's getting worse..." he muttered. Marcy noticed your staring. "Breakfast today is leaves and deer guts. Yes... that deer's gone now." She said in a sort of creepy tone. You and Simon exchanged glances.

"Thanks, but I'm good..."

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