chapter seven

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"Kiss me thru the phone."


"Fine fine, Bahamas or Canada?" Her laugh melted to his. "Canada."

"Why Canada?" She quires.

"I was born there, lived there most of my childhood."

"Wait what?"

"Ya, I was born in Ontario."

"Shut up, you're Canadian aye."

His hazel eyes roll at her attempt of Canadian slang. Pecked his lips, "wow I'm dating a Canadian."

"You also love one."

"Shut up." She snickered, her hair puddles on his chest as she cuddles closer to his bare exterior. Laced with sheer sheets, the mornings lips peaked through the windows. Coiling her closer to him with her beauty to grace his slight.

"Okay I've got one for you, pizza or dessert."

"You can't do that to me." She struck a face of silence. Giggles soon emerged from her as she had him fooled he tugged the wrong string.

"Uhhh how about we order both and have a proper competition." He smiled and nodded at her persuading proposal.

"Anything else I don't know about you?" Selena drums her fingers over his chin.

"I can play 2 and maybe 3 instruments, depends how much I've drank."

Her voice erupted in laughter as she nuzzles her head to his necks comfort. The vibrant giggle shield in warmth to him.

"What instruments?"

"I was taught piano and guitar, then I taught myself drums."

"You've got to play for me as soon as possible."

"I promise I will as soon as I find one" he smiled as he plants a kiss to her cheeks. "You're so beautiful." He laughed as she squirms under the kisses, playful in a manner.

She flipped on to his torso and straddled him, her hair falling to her face.

"So Mr. Canadian Bieber , you want to go to school anytime soon?" She whispered as the clock against the nightstand read 30 minutes till class.

"Oh fuck." He groaned. His hands situate at her hips.

Selena's nude body to shimmer in the warm shine wasn't a school prepping images. He cupped her face and wound her down to meet their lips. A soft moan to whisper her lips.

"Shower?" She hums, a smile molds his plump lips. "If you insist." Sarcasm drips his words to the core. He shuffles from the bed and tosses her over his shoulders. Shaking in protest as laughter chokes her statements.

"Selena, did you just smack my ass?" Justin stops as she giggles from her mischievous actions. "Nooooo." She drags the word, only to rile the obvious.

"You're in for it now." He placed her down in the walls of the shower. She fell against the walls and sheltered her hands up as he whipped the shower head off the wall and aimed it to her.

I Fell For My Teacher// A Jelena Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now