chapter twelve

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She stirred gently in her sleep, her beautiful body was limited on clothing. Her caramel skin warmed in the lighting to pierce the drawn curtains. The silk sheets curled her body, gently carving her figure.

She was truly impossible to describe in her multiple forms of beauty.

I press my lips gently to her shoulder, my arms coiling her body as she laid on her side. She roles softly as my lips warm her skin.

Spring break has official commenced, warming the sky's from the snow and allowing some sunshine to crisp the buildings. I had big plans for this week, a surprise for Selena that I know she's been itching for, for a minute now.

"Good morning handsome." She whispered, her voice soft and silk like. She rolled her body to face mine, pecking a kiss to my lips gently.

"Morning Gorgeous." She laughs and slings her legs to each side of me. My hands slide to her hips, wearing only my boxers that she's claims her own and a loose white cropped shirt.

I lift the shirt to catch sight of the beautiful ink engraved to her rib cage. In the beginning I was against the idea of ink scarring her body but I knew she wanted it so desperately and I love how it turned out. "You sure you like it?" She peered down at it and smiled at the quote.

"Alis volat propriis" her tongue twisted to speak the beautiful language. She told me her mother was Latin and she had a similar tattoo with a similar meaning.

She flies with her own wings.

I place my head to lean against the backboard and drag her to my lap. "So I guess we have the whole week to ourselves, what ever will we do?"

She moves her lips to my neck, sucking temptingly to leave a mark.

"Perhaps you should pack your bags, we've got another two hours before we should be at the airport."

She pulled back in utter shock.

"Wait what?"

"It's a surprise, so pack for warmth and the beach."

"Justin no, you didn't actually book a vacation somewhere and didn't tell me." She shook her head, belittling the idea.

"We're going to be gone for the whole week so get packing."

She didn't budge, stuck on the fact I bought plane tickets on impulse to a location oblivious to her knowledge.

"Justinn." She whined adorably, her head falling to the crook on my neck.

"Tell me where we are going."

"Just grab your things Selena, you'll find out soon enough."

She raised her hands in surrender and displaced herself from my body, swaying her hips as she approaches her closet.

I was already packed and had my suitcase placed at the door this morning. I bought her a suitcase when the idea came to my mind.

End of POV.


They arrived at the airport in good time, checking in and grabbing a seat on their plane. Justin had booked first class so their seats were huge. Sat right next to each other which allowed the flight to run smoothly.

I Fell For My Teacher// A Jelena Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now