chapter sixteen

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"So call out my name."


The phone rang but hit voicemail, only striking my nerve and pulling at my mind. Why wouldn't she answer the phone, she said she would be here and it's already second period.

I place my phone down on my desk and observe the students follow in through the doors.

Taking their seats, some opening conversations and others sitting and browsing through their binders.

Feeling eyes on me, I glance from my notes and catch a familiar pair of blue eyes. Brooklyn taps her page with her red pen and bites down on her pinkie.

She twirls her fingers in her brown locks and winks with her long lashes.

She is wearing an openly cut dress, a little short for my interest but I couldn't be bothered as I keep my eyes between the clock and the door.

She notices my little indulgence in her and forces it on more. Glazing her tongue over her lips and biting down on her bottom lip.

I couldn't help feel a little uncomfortable by the obvious flirting and how oblivious she is to how much of a turn off it is.

Maybe it's just Selena, she's the only one who manages to get me ringing her phone five times within an hour.

Got me up late all hours when she wasn't there, my mind hung on her laugh, her smile, her weird corks and her beauty.

Has me in the shower, acting like a teenager thinking bout my celeb crush a little too intensely. Her curves, her caramel skin, her lips just so thick and kissable.

Where is She?

"Alright class take your seats and take out the textbooks, opening to chapter 12."

Everyone shuffles and grabs the large books from their bags and places them down onto the wooden desks.

" In todays lesson we take a look at Mid-latitude Cyclones, take the next twenty minutes to read pages 280 to 287."

I lean against my desk and mark down the attendance, skipping over her name in case she shows up later.

Everyone takes their focus to the pages and scribbles a few notes. All eyes down but a certain chocolate ones lack my sight.

End of POV


Tall house, daunting windows of empty lies. Screams muffled by bricks, beautiful cars sleek in a devils name.

My eyes inspected the home, yellow police tape wiped out the entrance. The familiar walkway of painted stones trail under my feet.

I freeze in the houses shadow, clouds have wiped the blue sky's and accommodate for the overall vibes.

Rain trickles slowly from the far sky.

Hitting my forehead and nose, some splashing against Justin's hoodie that clocks my body. The scent brings safety to the intimidating scene.

I Fell For My Teacher// A Jelena Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now