chapter seventeen

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" its the sunrise, and those brown eyes "


My hands rest uneasily beside me, holding a grip to my luggage well awaiting the courage to knock on the door. I wasn't perched on this doorstep alone and the mist of the rain set the air heavy. Heavier than the tension brewing.

Mrs. Henson, the lady running me around like a delivery boy stood on the pathway. The umbrella still held above her through the rain has only a few more drops to squeeze out before vanishing.

Her pointed toes tapped against the soaked pavement, avoiding puddles at all costs.

Well her patience wears thin, my chest sinks feet deep. The plain wooden door just held a worry in my mind, like as soon as I walk in here my almost life will be done for.

My almost perfect relationship with Justin, my almost free days away from my father and mother. I was always just an almost away from happiness.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, addressing me to fish it from my pants and peep a quick look at who may be ringing me. As the name read in bold letter "Justin" I felt a prick in my heart. Deflating me from any confidence to keep me grounded, I couldn't answer his call.

I couldn't tell him I'll see him at home tonight or tomorrow, I can't see him.

This needs to be my chance at a fresh start, whoever and whatever killed my father gave me a chance to escape. A thin crack in the door, to smell the fresh air.

Justin has my heart, he knows he does and if I can figure my shit out without hurting him than we could have a shot at an actually functional and soon legal relationship.

"You gonna stand there all day sweetheart, I've got places to be." Mrs. Henson towers my thoughts with her pinched voice. I remove my phone from my eyes and slip it back into my pocket before raising a fist to the wood.

A set of clean knocks and a couple of seconds of silence trail by before a stone but seemingly harmless face pulls back the door between us.

A car engine rings behind me and I could only assume that was Mrs. Henson speeding away to god knows where leaving me at the feet of strangers.

I smile softly as the lady stays mute.

"Hi, I'm Selena." I extend a hand and offer a gentle grin as she shakes my grip firmly well exposing her name.

"Well, hello there sweetie. I'm Ms. Lawrence, the girls call me Loren. I'm the housemother here, please come in." She shifted to the side, allowing me to enter and drag my shivering body indoors to the warm atmosphere.

She had an evident country accident that brought a shiny add to her character. Her short black hair was trimmed to her shoulders and off her face, showing her pretty features. Her deep complexion was beautiful, rich brown eyes that showed a similarity to mine. Her lips were full and painted with a sunny gloss.

The house has a very modern vibe, not like the places I've stayed in before when I was younger and couch surfing in the system for a few years. The carpets and curtains had similar colouring and the furniture wasn't bright neon colours like some houses have, it wasn't metal and wood either.

It had a soft faux leather touch.

The house was painted beautifully and though it was small, it had everything a home needs. Modern and warm, bringing a gentle smile to my lips.

I Fell For My Teacher// A Jelena Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now