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004: the performance

  Y/N sat at the table, yawning. "When is this performance starting?" she mumbled to herself. "And where the hell is Jisoo? Jimin would've left her already since he has to prepare. I hope he didn't do anything to her."

Suddenly, all of the lights in the cafe went out, except for those lighting up the stage. The manager of the cafe, a young male who couldn't have been much older than her new acquaintances, stood there, holding a microphone. He smiled warmly at the audience. 

"Good evening everyone! I'm Lim Jaebeom, the manager of this cafe. Tonight, we have a group of boys here to sing for you.~"

He stepped aside and the said boys walked into the center of the stage. He passed the microphone to the one she recognized as Namjoon, who almost immediately dropped it. 

Jungkook caught it right before it touched the floor, heaving an audible sigh. He looked up at everyone, though it felt like he was staring straight at me.

"Hello. We call ourselves Bangtan Sonyeondan-- or just Bangtan. We wrote a few songs and we hope you'll enjoy our performance."

A quiet mumble came from Namjoon, "I  was supposed to introduce us." Jungkook waved him off.

The audience was silent, waiting expectantly. Then, the music started.

 Y/N raised an eyebrow. I wonder where they got such good music. They didn't make it themselves, did they? 

They began to sing, and the female opened her mouth slightly. Their voices sound so good... they must be lip-syncing. They're lip-syncing, right?

She focused on the lyrics, just as what must've been the chorus came in. "I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love...~"

Woah, they're singing in English?  As she listened, she caught even more English phrases in the song.  They must be pretty smart to be including lyrics in a foreign language. 

The song ended after a couple of minutes. The girl hadn't been expecting to, but she really did enjoy the performance. They had been dancing too, and it was a pretty big understatement to say they were just good. 

The rest of the audience seemed to share her opinion. The boys were met with loud applause at the end of it. After thanking them, the group went on to perform a few more songs, which were just as good as the first one, if not better. 

Though Y/N was enjoying it, she couldn't help but worry about her best friend. Where could she be?

"We're going to perform one more song," Jimin said at the end. "But this time, we have a friend helping us.~ She'll sing some of the lyrics together with us."

They're acting as if they're famous singers at a big concert... But I guess they can do whatever they want. Y/N thought, frowning. 

"Here she is!~"

The female was shocked to see her best friend being led on stage by Jimin. She looked slightly nervous, but he said something to her and she nodded to him, calming down and smiling. 

"I guess it makes sense since her brother is in the group," she mumbled to herself. 

Another song began, and this time, whenever Jimin sang, Y/N's best friend sang with him. They looked happy, in the way that a couple would. Y/N rolled her eyes and distracted herself from them by focusing on the others. She looked at Yoongi and was surprised when she realized they had made eye contact. He quickly looked away from her, his eyes looking down at the floor instead. 

The song ended soon afterward. The audience burst into applause once again. The cafe was lit up once more.

The female could see the manager of the cafe going up onto the stage and saying something to the group of boys, but what she was more interested in was her best friend awkwardly slipping away and walking off. She ran up to her.

"Hey. I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't. I'm pretty sure Jimin's voice covered up all of mine anyway, so that's good," she replied shyly. "It was so nice of him to--"

"Stop it," Y/N interrupted with a frown. "You shouldn't trust him."

"Oh, come on. He can't be that bad. He's so--"

"Whatever. Let's go home. I already had to postpone my date with my bed because of you."

"Oh, right! I'm going home with Jimin, sorry. He offered to drive me back to my house."

The girl scowled at her. "Who am supposed to go home with, then?"

"You can ask Jungkook. He seemed to like you earlier."

"Wouldn't it make more sense for you to go with him, since he's..." She trailed off, noticing that her supposedly best friend had run off. "Whatever. Hopefully it won't be too awkward."

A.N. Hey guys!~ Sorry for the long wait. I wasn't even going to continue, but seeing the amount of votes and comments this has been getting gave me the much needed motivation. However, I looked through the fic and I think that part of why it seems so cringe-worthy to me are the phrases "[insert your name]/[insert your best friend's name]". I thought I was being all qUiRkY and original with this, but... no. So, I have a question for you guys. Should I change it to Y/N? If I do, I'll probably make [insert your best friend's name] just a female Korean name, since this is set in Korea and... yeah. Please answer this in the comments ASAP!~ Edit: I changed it oo
And thank you all so much for all the votes and reads. I really appreciate it. :')

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