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013: new job.

On her way home, Y/N remembered about her wanting to find a job. She did have to earn money so that she didn't fully depend on her parents sending her money, and maybe a job would motivate her to get out more.

The first thing she thought of was the cafe she had gone to with Jisoo. She'd seen one of Jungkook's friends working as a barista there, right? Maybe they'd let her work as one, too. She probably wouldn't earn much, but she did have to start somewhere, didn't she?

She walked to that cafe, which was about a mile away from the one she'd just been at with Jimin and Suga.

Good, she thought. It would probably be awkward if I ran into them now.

A while later, she arrived at the cafe and walked inside. She stood there for a while, not sure what to do.

I guess I'll just ask one of the baristas about it,  she thought, before moving to stand in line, which was quite long.

To pass the time, Y/N pulled out her phone and checked Wattpad to see if any of the fanfics she was currently reading had been updated, and due to the amount of them it was almost impossible for there not to be at least one update. 

As she read the new chapters, the line moved fast, and she had to absentmindedly step forward each time she got closer, until, at some point, her step forward caused her foot to crash into the table which stood in front of the baristas. 

She quickly put her phone away and looked up at the barista; a young, undeniably good-looking female, who seemed to be the same age as her, or maybe a bit older.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked, smiling at her. 

"Hi, uh... I just wanted to ask if, and how, I could apply to work here? As a barista?" Y/N asked, feeling awkward for some reason. 

"Ah, sorry. We're not hiring right now. So--"

"Hey! Y/N, right?" 

A soft voice had interrupted the female. Y/N looked over, and realized that it was the one she had seen last time, one of Jungkook's friends. 

The girl rolled her eyes and went back to work, serving the next customers.

The male gave Y/N a genuine smile as he walked over. "You're Jungkook's girlfriend, aren't you? We aren't hiring, but I can make an exception for you. We met before, but in case you've forgotten... I'm Seokjin, the manager of this cafe, but you can call me Jin."

"Oh! That's great. But... I've been here so many times and I've never seen you before?.." Y/N said, frowning in confusion. With the way he looks, I definitely would've noticed him.

"Uh, yeah. I just started working here as a barista three days ago and got promoted to manager almost immediately because I know the owner," he explained.

Huh. That's kinda weird but okay.

"So, anyway," Jin said quickly, changing the subject, "you wanted a job here, right?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Okay! You can start working today if you want. I'll just need you to sign this contract and you can start," he said, before starting to walk away. Y/N walked after him, struggling to keep up with his pace. It wasn't that he was walking fast, but his legs were very long and so were the strides he took. 

Jin pulled out a key and opened the door in front of them, revealing a small, dark room with just a chair and desk inside. The desk had piles of papers on it.

I didn't know you need that many papers in a cafe, but sure,  Y/N thought, raising an eyebrow. 

The male walked up to the desk and shuffled through the papers, before muttering something and pulling out one of them. He grabbed a pen and handed both to Y/N. "It's basically just to say that you're officially working here and stuff. Just sign over here."

He pointed to a line at the bottom of the page. She nodded, before skimming through the text, just in case. When she saw nothing other than words like "work", "job" and "duties", she sighed. "Can I put it on the desk to sign it? It isn't exactly easy to do that in mid-air."

"Of course," he replied. "Just ignore the other papers."


She put the sheet down on the desk and clicked the pen. As she signed it, her eyes trailed over to the papers beside her, and frowned once she realized that they were all in Japanese. She had studied it a little in school and sometimes on the internet, but not enough to understand anything here. Yeah, I really doubt someone would write "the apple is in my shoe" on an official-looking document.

"Didn't I ask you to ignore these? "

Y/N jumped in surprise, and Seokjin's hand slid in front of her to snatch up the paper. His usual friendly smile was gone, his face completely emotionless.

"I... uh... I'll just... go work? I guess?" she mumbled, stumbling over her words as she slowly walked backwards to the door.

Jin sighed, sounding a mixture of frustrated and disappointment. "Go. Ask Seonae about what exactly you have to do, because I'm busy right now."

He looked up to see a confused expression on her face.

"The barista from before," he explained, sounding even more frustrated. 

"Oh... uhm... right. Should I c-close the door?"


Y/N left the room, carefully shutting the door after her. Her first day ever working, and she's already afraid of her boss. Is this normal?

She let out a sigh and walked over to Seonae.


so.. first of all, i think i might have to remind y'all... 

Y/N! doesn't! know! that! the! boys! are! yanderes!

and neither does anyone else! maybe they don't even know it either!

they haven't even done anything too suspicious yet. it's not like someone died already, is it?

with that said, here's another reminder:

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! i read your comments whenever i'm bored and they sometimes make me cry omg y'all are so nice ily and i really love seeing your reactions to the ff

you're welcome to leave now but keep reading if you want to know why i haven't updated in a while!

so basically i feel lonely and sad bc i'm slowly losing all of my friends and everyone's ignoring me and it feels like i don't have anyone and it's making me reallyyy sad so i had no motivation to write at all 
(emi you're probably not reading this but? i feel like we never talk any more and uh)

and i kinda didn't really have ideas for this chapter tbh idk how i actually managed to write it, i'm so sorry if it's terrible

i also had a lot to do and i just didn't have time to write ig,, i have a lot to do rn too and i'm basically procrastinating so gOODBYE--

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