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006: bad news.

"Uh... which Jimin?.." Y/N asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Park Jimin, duh," Jisoo said, raising an eyebrow at her. "The one who... uh, gave me a lift yesterday?"

"Ah, right. So it wasn't a dream."

"Of course not. Did you really think that was a dream?"

"Well, yeah. I don't really go out that late." The female took a sip of her drink and looked up straight into her best friend's eyes. "The real question here though is where he gave you a lift to. It didn't seem as if you were going here from your house."

Jisoo's face turned redder than the color Jimin's blood would be if he ever dared to hurt her, as Y/N would definitely kill him -- not literally. "Uh... fine, okay, okay. I was at his house." She saw Y/N opening her mouth to say something and quickly interrupted. "I swear to God, if you ask me what I was doing there!.. Isn't it obvious? Just... please don't get mad at me. I know he's your ex but I really like him. I don't think I've ever felt this way towards anyone before. I--"

"Jisoo," Y/N said softly, cutting her off. "It's okay. You can love whoever you want and no one can change that. I just want you to be careful about trusting him, okay? He used to be an amazing actor when he was in school, and I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed. Don't let him hurt you, please."

The two girls stared at each other for about half a minute, before Jisoo focused her eyes on her coffee, the corners of her lips twitching up into a small smile as she stirred the now cold liquid in the cup. "Thank you."


After having had her small snack and talked to her best friend some more, Y/N went back home, as she had remembered something important she had to do; call her mother.

The female was eighteen and temporarily living alone in a rented house, as she was having a gap year and her mother thought it would be a good idea to have her get used to living away from her parents and cooking for herself. Her mother rarely visited, as she wasn't that young and lived in a different town, so they communicated with phone and Skype calls.

Her mom had told her that she had something important to talk to her about, so she called her.


"Hi, Y/N," her mother said through the phone, before sighing. "I have some bad news."

"What is it?"

"Do you remember the university you wanted to go to? One of the SKY universities?"

"Ah, Seoul National University. What about it?"

"Well... the application you sent... they responded and... it was unsuccessful."

Y/N froze. I should've been expecting this. It's so competitive, no wonder I didn't get in.  

"Oh... uh... okay. I guess I'll look for another university to apply to," she mumbled, before saying bye  and hanging up. 

Sitting down on her bed, the girl fought the urge to cry. This won't solve anything. And I mean, it's just a university, anyway. I'll leave it after a few years, it's nothing. We probably wouldn't have been able to pay for it, anyway. 

Y/N closed her eyes, leaning back against a pillow, but she jerked up as soon as she heard her phone ring. She glanced at it, and, noticing that it was Jisoo calling her, she accepted the call. 

"Hey, what's up?"

"Y/N! You won't believe this!" she squealed, her excitement evident in her voice. "Jimin just asked me out on a date!"

"Ah. That's nice. I'm happy for you." Though the female was still disappointed and upset after having heard the bad news regarding her application, she managed to smile and sound genuine, as she really was happy to have her friend's dream of dating someone she loved coming true, though this was lowkey making her feel lonely and made her want to date someone, too. Ah, whatever. I should focus on getting into a good university. "So, where's he taking you?"

"Some fancy restaurant? I'm a bit worried, actually. Judging by the name, it's foreign. What if I don't even understand the names of the dishes and don't know what to order?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure it out. This is Korea, after all, they wouldn't make the menus fully foreign."

"You're right, you're right. Ah... would you help me get ready? Please?"

"Of course! I'm on my way."

A few minutes later, Y/N was heading out, as she hadn't changed out of her clothes when she came home. 

She arrived at Jisoo's house pretty soon, and as she rang the doorbell she was greeted by Jungkook. 

"Oh, hi!" he said, smiling at her. "Are you here to visit Jisoo?"

"Hi! Yes," she replied, smiling back at him. He stepped aside so she could walk in. I can't believe I thought last night was a dream. I don't think my imagination is good enough to make up one cute guy, forget seven.

"She's in the shower right now and she'll take a while, so how about we talk for a while?" the male said, and, with her agreement, they walked together to the living room. Y/N had been to Jisoo's house before, and she'd heard her talk about her brother, but, for some reason, she hadn't seen him before.

"So... how are you? Have you solved the KPop trainee thing problem yet?"

"What do you-- Ah! Right," Jungkook replied, remembering. "Well, it's been less than twenty-four hours since then so I haven't talked that much to the group, but Jimin is still against it, and now... I'm not so sure about it either."

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