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012: jealous jimin. 

"So... why did you ask me to meet you?" Y/N asked Jimin, taking a sip of the coffee he got her.

He shrugged in response. "I guess I wanted to talk to you. I miss that, you know?"

"You know it's your own fault we don't do that anymore," she said, narrowing her eyes at him. 

"Okay, okay! I messed up, I know. But I changed, really. You can ask Jisoo if you need proof. Can we just pretend that... uh... what happened, never happened?"

"Are you talking about the whole past relationship or what you did?"

"What I did. Just forget it, okay? Please." He made eye contact with her. He sounded sincere, so Y/N let out a quiet sigh and nodded. 

Meanwhile, Yoongi watched them in confusion. The female turned to him with a smile. "How have you been?"

He excitedly told her about everything he had been doing these past years. Over half an hour passed before he finished, but Y/N was more than happy to listen to what her childhood best friend had been up to after he left the city. 

Jimin, however, seemed to be annoyed that Y/N was mostly talking to Yoongi, and not him, when they weren't supposed to know each other. 

"Are you done telling your life story, Suga?" he asked in a fake sweet tone, pronouncing the nickname with heavy sarcasm. 

"Oh! You know what? You guys should call me that instead of Yoongi. It reminds me of my memories with Y/N," the male replied enthusiastically, ignoring the way Jimin said it, causing him to groan. "What?"

"I don't like it," Jimin said bluntly. 

"You're acting really weird, you know?" Y/N pointed out. "You weren't like this before. What the hell is wrong with you? You seem to have turned grumpy and pessimistic. It's like you and early Suga switched personalities."

"Hey!" Yoongi exclaimed with a playful pout. "I was never like that!"

"Wasn't it you who told me to mind my own business, "kid"? Huh?" 

"That doesn't count, I was in a bad mood."

"Right! You never told me why."

"Oh for fuck's sake." Jimin abruptly stood up, causing his untouched drink to spill over the table as he slightly hit it with his knee. He glanced at it carelessly, before bringing his attention to Y/N, who had been sitting right beside Yoongi. "I am not  hearing another three hour long story. You're all just ignoring me, I can't even tell you what I really asked you to come here for and--"

"You barely spoke, though," Y/N interrupted. 

"Did I? No. You only think so because you didn't hear  me talking. You were too busy listening to your precious Suga."

"I don't get it, Jimin. What the fuck?" Yoongi suddenly said with a frown. "You've never been like this before. Why are you getting so... whatever you're feeling right now, because I can't even tell? Let me talk to Y/N, will you? I haven't seen her in years, for fuck's sake."

It was her first time seeing him this pissed off. She'd never heard him swear, either. Jimin's sudden and unexplainable anger was adding to this, which was just too overwhelming.

Y/N made her lips into a straight line before standing up. "Thanks for the coffee, but I should go now. Bye."

Jimin and Yoongi stared at each other in confusion as she walked away. This lasted for a few seconds.

Yoongi was the first to snap out of it. "Hey, what the hell just happened?"

Jimin shrugged absentmindedly, his thoughts centered around his previous behavior. Why did he act like that? 

"I don't know, but hey, here's a wild guess: it's related to Y/N."


i'm so so so sorry for not updating,, i've been busy with school and other stuff + my parents have been taking away my phone and pc a lot so i wasn't able to write much

hopefully you liked this part and it wasn't too cringy!!!! i'll try to write more soon

oh and i promise,,, their yandere sides will start showing soon enough~~~

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