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008: the date - part one.

"What? With who?" Jisoo asked with a frown. "Jungkook isn't dating anyone."

"Not yet," her brother corrected her, before turning to Y/N and smiling. "Y/N? Will you go on a date with me?"

She froze in shock for a couple of seconds, having not expected that. "B-but we only met yesterday. We don't even know each other that well."

"So did Jimin and Jisoo," he replied. "But isn't that the point of dates? To get to know each other better?"

The female looked over at her best friend, who looked just surprised as she was. Jisoo would probably rather spend the evening alone with Jimin. I don't want to intrude.

"I... don't think that's a good idea," she mumbled. "I'm not dressed for a date, anyway."

"Well, I think your clothes are good enough."

Y/N doubtfully looked down on her sweater and jeans. 

"We're not going anywhere that formal, anyway. It's just a simple restaurant," Jimin piped in with a small smile. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N noticed Jisoo glance at him with a disappointed expression on her face. Jimin didn't pay attention to that.

"Jisoo? Is that okay with you?" the girl asked softly. Her best friend looked over at her.

"Yeah, of course," she muttered, looking downwards.

"Let's go then," Jungkook said cheerfully, before turning around and opening the front door. He gently took Y/N's hand in his and they walked out of the house. Jisoo and Jimin followed behind and Jungkook closed the door after them. 

Since Jimin had come to pick Jisoo up in his car, they decided to go in it all together. Jimin and Jisoo sat in the front, whilst Jungkook sat in the back beside Y/N. 

The drive to the restaurant was quick and mostly silent. Y/N was feeling nervous, as even though she had gone on dates before, she had never been on a double date. What if it would be awkward? And she still felt guilty for intruding on Jisoo's time with Jimin.

When they reached their destination, Jungkook and Jimin got out of the car at the exact same time and opened the doors for the girls. 

Jungkook held out his hand for Y/N to take, which she did, stepping out of the car. I guess chivalry isn't dead, after all,  she thought. 

Jimin didn't do the same for Jisoo, however, simply leaving her car door open and waiting for her to get out before locking the car. 

As they walked inside the restaurant, Y/N immediately started to feel self-conscious. Everyone around them was dressed formally, and she didn't even have makeup on. 

Jimin seemed to notice that. "Couldn't you have let her borrow some of your clothes?" he hissed to Jisoo, who was starting to feel upset due to him paying more attention to her friend than her herself. 

"We were late enough already," she muttered.

Jimin walked over to a waitress and began explaining about his reservation, asking her if they could change it to a table for four. 

Y/N suddenly realized that she was still holding Jungkook's hand and promptly let go. This action caused him to look up at her with a small smile. She made eye contact with him. "Could I ask you something?"

"Of course," he replied, his smile growing wide enough to show his teeth, making him look cute, in a way that resembled a bunny. "What is it?"

"Why did you ask me to go on a date with you?" she asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I mean, I know what you said about getting to know each other better, but isn't this a bit spontaneous? Jisoo was really excited about spending her time alone with Jimin."

"Ah, well..." He paused for a few seconds. "Jimin thought their date would be less awkward if it was a double date."

Bullshit,  Y/N thought with a frown. She knew Park Jimin, and he wasn't someone a date with whom would ever be awkward. However, she brushed it off, not wanting to seem rude. "Ah, okay then. That makes sense, I guess."

Jungkook was about to say something, when Jimin walked up to them. "Let's go to the table and start our dates, shall we?"

A/N: Short chapter again oops!! It's because I'm kind of busy rn but still trying to update regularly. Anyway,, I promise to write more in the next few chapters. And I know that rn they might not seem Yandere, but that's only because it's not really realistic for all of them to start killing people over someone they just met, is it? 
Anyway, they'll be turning Yandere soon enough, so just wait a bit more. ;))
+ I just gotta say... 4k reads?? Thank you all so much omg, idk why y'all are reading this shitty... thing, but THANK YOU--

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