Chapter One

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Tonight was my first high school party in a rich neighbourhood.
I stood in my room choosing my outfit. I lean towards the grey top with pink skirt, put it on and finish my makeup.

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Jackies outfit and makeup

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Jackies outfit and makeup.

I grab my purse and phone and run downstairs.
"Awe honey you look so cute!" My mom says
"It's just a shirt and skirt nothing crazy." I reply with a giggle.
"Is Ariana coming to get you?" Mom asks
"Yeah she should be here any minute." I answer.

Ariana Tatani has been my best friend since kindergarten ever since the day she asked if she could color with me. I know it sounds weird but crayons can really start a friendship.

My phone suddenly goes off

"Ariana is here. Love you bye." I tell my mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye baby doll. Be home by 12." She says waving goodbye.

I rush out of our house and run to Mr. Tatani's car which is parked outside. I jump in the backseat with Ariana.

"Hey Ari! You look fabulous!." I say, all excited.
"You look awesome too J! I'm so excited." Ariana practically squealed.
"This is our first high school party in a rich neighbourhood. What do you think will happen?" I ask.
"I don't know? We will see when we get there." Ariana answers.

We arrive a few minutes later and hear music blasting from inside.

"Now girls, here are the ground rules; no drinking and no getting pregnant. Now have a good time and call me whenever you need me." Ariana's dad says with a smile.
"Oh dad. Don't be silly it's just a small party but we will still be careful." Says Ariana with a giggle.

We hop out of the car and wave good bye before heading inside. We walk into a loud room with people everywhere and a lot of them are making out. We walk further in the house. All of a sudden, someone taps us on the shoulder and we spin around and see Noah Melia a 12th grader who is very nice and eats lunch with us very often.

"You guys came! The party has been going awesome!" She squeals.
"Hey Noah! The party is awesome! Also who's house is this, it's giant!!" I say with a smile.
"Its mine actually. I know I forgot to tell you guys that I was throwing the party!" She answers giggling.
"This is your HOUSE!!" Says Ariana.
Noah laughs. "Let's get a drink? Shall we?" She says with a fake accent.
We laugh and walk to the drink table.

A few hours later...

I find myself in a closet with Chase Larkin making out.
"Wow this is amazing." I say taking a breath.
"Really?" He says breathing heavily from kissing.
"Well this is my first high school party and I'm making out with a gorgeous guy. What could be better!" I answer smiling.
"Can I kiss you? Please." He says with fake puppy eyes
"Yes. God you are adorable." I laugh.

We start making out again. He pulls me close to him. Inside my brain I'm having a dance party. I'm over joyed, one of the cutest guys in school likes me. Our kissing feels like a statement like he is saying I want her. Our kissing gets serious. God inside my brain I'm overwhelmed like is this actually happening. He lifts me up and sits me on a box in the closet. I start to panic slowly. I feel like I don't want anything to happen but I still want remember this moment so I try and forget that feeling. Suddenly my phone rings.

"I have to get it, it might be my mom." I say pulling away.
Chase keeps kissing my neck.
"Hello?" I say picking up.
"J where are you??" Ari asks.
"Making out with Chase Larkin in a closet. Why are you calling me?" I answer.
"I need you to meet me outside of the house NOW!! No time to explain! Come fast!!" She practically yells.
She hangs up.
"Chase I have to go. It's an emergency! Look call me ok?? Anyways I gotta go." I say pushing him away.
"Bye??" He answers confused.

I rush out of the closet to the front of the house.

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