Chapter Thirteen (half edited)

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"Can you come over?" I ask Jasper after school.

"Sure. Why?" He asks, his eyes full of wonder.

I look down at my feet. "I just kinda want to be around someone today. Someone who will make me happy."

"Jackie, are you ok?" His voice sounds concerned.

"Uh.. my mom had a doctors appointment today and I want to have someone with me when I find out what's wrong." I bite my lip nervously.

"It's ok Jackie." He pulls me into a hug.


"I may not have known you for very long but you're a great friend." I smile at him.

"Right back at you." He laughs softly.

"Alright let's go." I sigh and pull away from him and start down the sidewalk.


"Hello?" I call as me and Jasper enter the house.

"In here." a wobbly voice calls back.

Me and Jasper look at each other confused before going to the living room.

We find mom and Jessie sitting sullenly on the couch.

"Guys...what's wrong?" My voice feels a
bit shaky.

"Honey please sit down." Mom nods toward the love seat.

"Now please tell me what's wrong!" I plead after having a seat. Jasper leans against the arm of the chair.

"Well today at the doctors appointment, Dr. James said they found something in one of the tests." She says slowly.

"What! What is it?" My voice squeaks.

"Honey...I have breast cancer." She grabs my hand for comfort.

"Mom! No! No! This can't be real! Tell me this isn't real!" I panic.

"Honey I'm so sorry."

"Are...are you going d-die." I feel weak inside.

"Well first they have to do the surgery." She says.

"What kind of surgery?" Asks Jasper.

"I would like a lumpectomy." She states.

"So the one where they just remove the cancer?" Jasper asks.

"Why yes. How do you know about this?" Mom asks curiously.

"Um I want to be a doctor when I'm older." He says shyly.

"Good for you."

Mom when are you going for the surgery?" I ask.

"In two weeks."

"That's so soon."

"Well the sooner, the better." She try's to smile confidently.

"Does anyone want anything to drink or eat." Jessie attempts to lighten the mood.

"Sure. I'll have a Coke, Jasper?" I ask.

"Same here." He replies.

Bailey waddles over to us and paws at my leg, telling me she wants us.
I pick her up and hold her in my arms, giving her kisses.
Jessie brings back our drinks and me and Jasper take them.

"I have to get to work. Is everyone ok here." Jess asks.
"Yeah,it's ok. Go to work Jess." Mom smiles weakly.

Jessie grabs her keys and heads out the door to work.

"Mom, why don't you go rest?" I suggest.

"Ok. I've been feeling a little tired anyway." She leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Rest well, Miss Geller." Jasper says.

"I will. Also Jasper please call me Sammy." She smiles kindly as she stands up.

Jasper smiles in response.

I watch mom walk up stairs to her room, her house coat trailing behind her as walks.

"Hey, Jackie I gotta go, are you going to be ok alone?" Jasper places a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah..." My voice squeaks. "I have Bailey to keep me company."

"Alright." Jasper fluffs my hair before standing up to leave.

"Bye." I call to him.


After I hear the door click, I rush to my room.
My door closes and I instantly burst into tears.
I strip off my jeans and dive under my covers.
I cry myself into a dark, dreamless sleep.

A few hours later.....

"Honey, wake up" Mom whispers into my ear.

My eyes flutter open, to see mom standing before me.

"Dinners ready." She smiles at me.

"I'll be right down" I reply.

"Ok." She says before heading back

I push off my covers and retrieve my jeans from the floor, pulling them back on.

Downstairs, Mom stands at the bottom of the stairs, holding out a TV tray.

"What's going on?" I ask confused.

"We're having a movie dinner." She grins, holding out the TV tray in my direction.

I take the tray, still confused. "What's a movie dinner?"

"Follow me." She grabs my hand, pulling me into my movie/ hangout room.

Inside, the coffee table is filled with bowls of candy and chips. Two boxes of pizza are placed in the middle of it all.

I grin. "This is a movie dinner?"

"This is a movie dinner." She laughs, pulling me to the couch.

We set up our trays in front of the couch and place a piece of pizza on both of our plates.
We cozy up with a bunch of blankets and pillows before mom presses play.

On the TV, the Disney into plays and I gasp.

"We're having a Disney movie marathon?" I ask excited.

"Yep, you're favourite." She smiles from ear to ear.

I lean over and kiss her check before settling in for the movie.


Hey guys, I know it's been a while :( I'm sorry I haven't updated lately 😔 I promise I will try to get back on track.

Anyways, what are you're thoughts on this chapter? Let me know in the comments.

(Also this is really the only edited chapter out of the whole book so far)
Please vote and comment :)
Love ya guys ♥️

Ocean 😜

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