Chapter Fourteen

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Today was the day.
The day of Mom's surgery.

We checked her in at 10:00 and then I went to school to pick up all my work that I needed for the day.

When I got back, mom was already getting prepped for surgery.

"I love you mom." I lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too my sweet baby girl." She reaches for my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. "Try not to focus on the surgery...think of positive things while I'm in there. For me at least. It will make me feel better knowing you're not pacing around the room all anxious."

"I'll try for you, mom. Again I love you and I'll be right here when you come out." I smile at her.

"Alright are you ready to go Miss Geller?"

I look up and see the nurse I met last time I was here with Noah.

"Oh hey there Jackie! I'm here to take your mom up to surgery." Molly gives a comforting smile.

"I'm glad you're the one taking her up to surgery. Now I will be happy knowing she's in good hands." I smile with a bit more confidence this time.

Molly walks over and starts to push my mom out the door and down the hallway.

"Bye Mom!" I call after them and when mom glances at me one more time I blow her a kiss.

Jess walks in a few minutes after Mom was wheeled away.

"You just missed them. They're taking her up to surgery now." My smile turns a straight worried line.

"I passed them in the hallway." She notices my face shift and walks over to my side."I'm sure she'll be fine Jackie. Your mom's a strong woman"

"Yeah I'm sure she'll be ok. I'm gonna try and do some homework to pass the time" I walk over to the small couch in Mom's room and pull out my books.

"Alright I'm gonna go search for some snacks. I'll see you in a bit kiddo." Jess spins around and heads back out into the hall.


"Can I come in?"

I look up from my homework and see Jasper standing at the door.

"Of course. Come on in." I push away all my work and walk over to join him.

"How have you been? I bet it's pretty scary waiting for your mom while she's in getting surgery for cancer." Jasper asks.

"Well I've been doing homework for the past hour so that's kinda taken my mind off of it but not gonna lie....I'm pretty scared." My tone is a mix of sarcasm and actual fear.

Jasper pulls me in a quick hug and then lets go of me. We both stand in awkward for a few seconds before Jess walks in and breaks the silence.

"Oh hey Jasper!" Jess smiles.
"Wait, don't you have school?"

"Oh hey, you should be in school right now! What are you doing here?!" I snap out of my awkward state.

"Calm down! I have a free block right now! I just took the bus here to check up on you!" Jasper raises his hands as if surrendering.

"Ok good! I'm glad you're not skipping so that you can come visit my niece while her mom's in the hospital." Jess really emphasizes on the word niece to piss me off.

"Jess back off! We're just friends!" I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry about her Jasper."

"'s ok. Anyways I gotta get back to school. I'll come back later." Jasper awkwardly waves at me before leaving the room fast but casually.

"Jess! What the hell! You freaked him out!" Embarrassment boils inside me and my cheeks turn pink.

"What?! Do you not think he's cute?" Jess teases me.

"I mean he's cute but more like cuddly cute not like cute cute. You know what conversation over! I'm gonna go get some air!" I grab my hoodie and leave my so called aunt behind.

I get outside and let out a breath of air.

"I don't like Jasper...he's like a brother to me...right?" I whisper under my breath to myself.

I shake my head as if to erase all the thoughts running in my head.

Sitting down on a nearby bench, I pull out my phone and send Ariana a text that she probably won't see till lunch.

- Mom is still surgery. Also Jasper dropped by..Jess teased me about liking i like him...? i cant he's like a brother more then a cute crush or a cute boy! ahhh this is messing w/ my head! text me when u can! xx

I play on my phone for a little bit before I get too cold and have to go back inside.

Back at the room by a whole bunch of nurses setting up equipment and stuff for when mom gets out of surgery.

"Um excuse me?" I ask one of the nurses. "Do you know how much longer the surgery has left?"

"Not at the moment but I can definitely find out!" She smiles in response.

After all the nurses leave, the one I was talking to comes back.

"They are actually bringing her down right now!" She informs me before heading back out the door.

"Thanks!" I call after her.

I sit down next to Jess and let out a sigh. "Look I'm sorry I got mad earlier. I guess I just got kind of embarrassed."

"I'm sorry too. But I do have to ask...why did you get so embarrassed?" Jess raises a brow.

"Because you teased me in front of a guy that I'm friends with. Just friends with. Plus I'm still recovering from my last breakup." My tone shifts into defensive mode.

"Ok ok. I'll let it be." Jess backs off after hearing my tone shift.

We sit in silence until they finally bring mom in.

The nurses clear out and I rush to her side. I grab a hold of her hand just as the Mom's doctor, Dr. Taylor,  walks in.

"The surgery went great! I'm sure Samantha will be making a full recovery." He smiles while he checks off things on his chart.

"Oh I'm so glad! Thank you for everything Dr. Taylor!" Jess smiles.

"Yes, thank you for everything!" I thank him.

"You're very welcome! I'll be back later when Samantha has woken up." He closes his chart and heads into the hallway.

I pull a chair a chair over to Mom's bedside and wait for her to wake up.


Ahhhh it feels like FOREVER since i've written!! I hope you enjoy this new chapter!!  Also please know that you guys better buckle up because the next few chapters are gonna be a roller coaster of emotions lets just say!


-Ocean 😉😜

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