Chapter Six

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Finally Jessie arrives. We make dinner and eat on the couch. We hangout for a little longer after that before I head off to bed. As I'm lying in bed that night just scrolling through social media a message pops up in my messages. I tap on it and see it's from Chase.

Chaselark36:Hey I know it's kinda late but I was wondering if you were free this Friday night for a movie?
JackieJack23: Sure. What time?
Chaselark36: how about we meet at 7?
JackieJack23: sounds good. See you then or sooner :)

I shut off my phone and stare at my stars till I drift off to sleep.

A few days later........

"Ariana can you please grab me my blue ripped jeans?" I call from my closet/change room right now.
"Coming right up!" She calls back.
She tosses me my jeans and I put on my outfit. Finally I come out.
"Perfect!!!!" She crys.
I have on blue ripped jeans and a black loose tshirt crop top with with two white stripes on both sleeves and one stripe on the collar and the bottom. To top it off I have a long red flannel around my waist.
"I like it too. It's casual and seems like me." I add.
"What accessorys this evening madam?" Ariana says in a fake French accent.
"I'm thinking paw print earrings with my black purse that has the gold chain strap and my normal necklace I always wear." I awnser with a fake fancy accent.
"Coming right up." Says Ariana handing me the stuff.
I put on my earrings.
"" Asks Ari.
"How about a Dutch braid hairstyle? Your choice?" I ask.
"Yes!"She says in reply.
I sit down and get my hair done and finish my makeup. Finally I'm done and ready.

 Finally I'm done and ready

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Jackie hairstyle. (Except black hair)

 (Except black hair)

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"I think I'm ready." I say breathing out a big puff of air.
"I don't know why I'm so happy. I'm really happy for you!" Says Ariana giving me a smile.
We walk downstairs and I lace up my black combat boots. Then I put my purse on my shoulder and stand up.
Suddenly Jessie appears out of nowhere with her phone taking pictures of me.
"I can't believe my niece is going on a date!!! Have so much fun and stay safe!" Says Jessie with big eyes and a grin.
"And now we say goodbye. Bye Jess, Bye Ari." I say heading out the door.
I head to the bus stop. If I had Jessie drive me I would have died. So after a LOT of convincing she let me take the bus. When I get on I pop in my ear buds and blast music till I get there.
Finally I'm standing in front of the theatre.......but I can't bring myself to go in.
"Come on jacks. You are fine just breath" I mutter to myself.
I take a deep breath and go in.
I see Chase and go up to him.
"Hey Chase." I say.
"Oh Hey Jackie." He answers.
"So what do you wanna see?" I ask.
"I kinda wanna see "Love, Simon". He suggests.
"Sounds good." I agree.
He buys me my snacks even though I insist I'll buy my own. Finally we are in our seats. There aren't a lot of people in the theatre but that's ok.

Halfway through the movie......

My head is almost about to explode.
Chase has his arm around me!
I feel really shy but I try and hide it.
Suddenly he leans over and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back but I don't let us kiss for long cause the movies getting good. I glance over and see his cheeks are a little red. I smile to myself and watch the movie.

After the movie.......

Once the movies over we walk to the near by park. There is nobody there and we go and sit up in the playground.
" I really had fun tonight." I say with a small smile.
"Me too." He replys blushing a little.
I decide it's my turn to make a move so I lean over and kiss him. He kisses back. We kiss for a little then we pull away.
"Jackie I have to admit something. " He says.
"What?" I answer.
"I've had a crush on you since grade 8. I thought you were so beautiful and strong and you didn't play games. You always seemed to know what you wanted." He says smiling.
"Awe that's super sweet. I never thought I would date a high school guy. I just didn't feel like they were worth it but I don't feel like that with you. Your different. I like it." I answer giving myself a mental slap for being cheesy.
We hug then he starts kissing my neck. I grab his chin and pull his face to my level.
"One rule. If you want to you know "do the dirty" as some say, we have to talk about it first and if I say no even after talking it's not because I don't like you it's because I'm not ready for that. Understand?" I say laying down the law.
"Yes. I understand." He agrees.
"Good" I say with a smile.
We start making out. Then after like 5 minutes my phone buzzes. We pull aways and I check my phone. There is just a text from Jessie saying curfew.
I reply ok and put my phone in my purse and put my purse in the floor.
"Now where were we." I say locking lips with Chase.
We go back to what we were doing for a little longer before he walks me to the bus stop.
"I wanna say again I had a great time tonight." I say kissing his hand that's holding mine.
"Me too. I hope we can do it again soon." He answers kissing me one last time before he heads home.

I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you are enjoying my book. Feel free to comment any ideas or thoughts.


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