Chapter Four

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Before I know it Monday rolls around and I have to face people again. That me last few days I have basically done nothing. My Moms younger sister my Aunt Jessie who's 31 visited me a little but that's really it.
This morning at 6:15 my alarm goes off. I reach for my phone and check to see if I have any messages but there's only instagram notifications. I roll out of bed and head to bathroom to shower. After I'm done I blow dry my hair and do double Dutch braids in my hair. I do my normal makeup. When I'm done in the bathroom I head back to my room to find clothes. I pick out some blue ripped jeans with a basic white pocket crop top with a flannel to go around my waist. After I'm changed I head downstairs to feed Bailey.

"Bailey come!" I say.
A few seconds later she comes running up to me.
"Here is your breakfast!" I say setting it in the ground.

Finally I focus on my food. I make a smoothie and have a protein bar. Simple but good. Suddenly my phone rings.

"Hello?" I say after answering.
"Hey it's Noah!" Says the other line.
"Oh hey Noah! How are you?" I ask.
"Good. I was wondering if you wanted to do something after school?" She replies.
"For sure. Wanna come to my house?" I say.
"Sure! Let's meet up at lunch! She says.
"For sure! See you at school! " I answer.
"Cya at school!" She says.
I hang up and give Bailey a kiss goodbye. I head to the front hall and slip on my burgundy vans. I grab my back pack and head out the door. I lock the door and walk to the bus stop. When I get to the bus stop I put on my Beats and listen to music while waiting for the bus. I plop down on the bench under the shelter. Finally the bus arrives and I get on and go to my usual seat at the back. I stare out the window as the bus starts to move. A few stops later someone sits down beside me. I look up and see Chase.
"Um hi." I say slipping off my headphones.
"Hey there." He answers.
"How are you?" I ask politely.
"Good. How are you?" He replies.
"Ok. So how was the rest of your weekend?"I say trying to make things less akward.
"Pretty good. You?" He answers.
"Pretty decent." I answer.
"I was wonder if you were free after school tomorrow?" He asks.
"I think I am." I answer with a small smile.
"Good. I'll D.M you on instagram tonight for more information." He says trying to act cool when I'm pretty sure he was really happy.
"Sounds great! By the was this is our stop I say pointing to the sign thing in the bus.
"Ok. Well see ya later." He says getting up.
I watch him get off before I do.
"JACKIE!!!!" I hear Ariana yell.
I look over and see her waving me over.
I walk over.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I hear from someone that Chase is gonna ask you out today!!!" She says practically sqealling.
"I know! He just did on the bus!" I answer with a goofy smile.
"OMG!!! That's awesome!!!" She says jumping up and down.
"Come on we're gonna be late." I say smiling.
We link arms and head inside the school.

Sorry for the short chapter. But OMG Jackie got asked out.
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