Chapter Seven

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On Monday I wake up with a groan. I roll out of bed and slowly make my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and brush my hair and part it down the middle a take a little section of hair and do a braid. I don't put on makeup cause I feel too tired but add some lotion so I don't look like a piece of shit. I trudge back to my room and throw on a maroon hoodie and black jeans before I make my way downstairs.
"Good morning sleepy head!" Says Aunt Jessie standing at the stove fully dressed with a full face of makeup on and curled hair.
"I'm sorry but do you roll out of bed like that or something?" I say heading to fridge for some orange juice.
"Honey it's called waking up at 6:30 and being pre......"She starts to say but I cut her off.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Are you making eggs?" I ask pouring my juice.
"Yep. I'm just dishing up yours right now." She says before heading to the table with our food.
I take my juice to the table and sit down and start to pick at my food.
"Well somebody's cheery this morning, huh?" She says.
I moan in annoyance.
"Well enjoy it over there in gloomsville. I heading over to the hospital today. The doctor wants to talk to me about the results he found. "She answers stabbing some egg on her fork.
"Call me if it's urgent news please. I. Do. Not. Care. If. I'm. At. School. Please call me anyways." I say finishing my eggs off.
"Fine. I will call you." She says clearing off our plates.
I finish my juice then grab my backpack form the loveseat in the living room off the kitchen. I trudge to the front door and put on my old Adidas.
"BYE JESS!" I yell.
"BYE J!" She yells in reply.
I slide on my headphones and leave the house grabbing my key off the hook before shutting the door. I walk to the bus stop feeling like I'm walking in water. Finally after what feels like ten hours I arrive to the shelter. Soon after the bus comes and trudge on to the back of the bus. A few stops later someone sits beside me. They peck me on the lips and I look up. It's Chase.
"Oh hey!" I say sliding off my headphones.
"Good morning." He answers with a toothy grin.
I give him a proper kiss.
"Sooo. Thoughts about Friday night. Good or bad?" I say.
"Well.... I would rate it a perfect 10." He answers playing along.
"Good." I say giving him my cute face.
"Why do you have to be so damn cute?" He rolls his eyes in fake annoyance.
"I don't know? Wanna find out?" I ask.
"Fineee."  He reply's.
We start to kiss. Suddenly the bus comes to a screeching halt.
"Let's go!" He says taking my hand.
I latch on to his hand and head to school.

At lunch......

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!"Screams Ariana in excitement.
We're at our usually spot under the tree in the court yard.
"I KNOW!!!" I reply.
"That..... is....awesome!" She says with big eyes.
"I know. I know. I know." I answer with a smile.
"Hey Ladies!" Says Chase plopping down beside me.
"Hey!" We both chime.
"Hey you." He says pecking me on the lips.
"Oooooooo!" Says Ari mocking me.
"Ari!" I say with my cheeks turning red.
"Ahaha." Says Chase rolling his eyes.
"So how was your day?" I ask bitting into one of my fries.
"Pretty meh. How about you?" He asks sipping his Gatorade.
"I got an A on a English exam!" I answer with a smile.
"Good job Jacks!" Says Ari.
"Thanks!" I say opening my Pepsi.
"Guess what??" Says Noah plopping on the ground in front of us.
"What?" I ask.
"I got a puppy!!!" She squeals.
"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Me and Ari squeal.
We spend the rest of lunch hanging out and looking at pictures and videos of of
her new puppy before the bell rings.

Sometime in last period.....

"On Friday we are having a test that counts for 50% of your grade so PLEASE study hard. I expect to see good results from this test after what I saw from the last test!" Says Mrs Hunter looking around the room.
I raise my hand.
"Yes Miss Geller?" Says Mrs Hunter.
"What Chapter is it on?" I ask.
"I was just about to get to that.Chapter 25, pages 130 through 137." Says Miss Hunter.
"Ok thanks." I say jotting it down in my notebook.
"Now the test is not open book so you MUST remember your information! We have been working on this chapter for the last MONTH! So I expect good results!" Says Mrs Hunter before the bell rings.
Everyone gets up and starts to file out of the class. When I step out of the class I bump into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!" I say looking up to see a boy.
"Um it's fine." He says quickly before walking away really fast.
"That was wierd...." I mumble to myself before I start walking to my locker.
When I arrive I see Ariana sitting on the ground in front of my locker.
"Hey what's up?" I ask plopping on the ground in front of her.
"Well I have good and bad news.... what do you wanna hear first." She says looking at me.
"Bad news just to get it out of the way." I say.
"Well bad news is I kinda accidentally walked into the boys dressing/locker room when......all the football guys had just finished practice so they were kinda....half naked...."she says with a frown.
"Omg Ari!!! What happened after?" I say with a concerned face.
"I quickly excused myself and ran to the right  change room to throw up in the washrooms." She says looking down.
"That's terrible! I'm so sorry." I say giving her a bear hug.
"What's the good news?" I ask to lighten the mood.
"Me and Alexander KISSED!" She says with a crooked smile.
"That's amazing! When?" I reply.
"During my free block!" She says.
"Congrats!" I say standing up.
Thanks!" She says standing up too.
I unlock my lock my locker and grab my stuff and put my unneeded stuff in there before closing the door.
"We have to go meet Noah she's giving us a ride today." I say starting to walk towards the direction of the nearest exit.
We talk on the way to Noah's car. When we get there we say hi before hopping in and leaving the school. Noah drops Ariana off first so finally we are alone in the car.
"Jacks how have you been feeling about everything that's happened lately?" She asks with a concerned tone.
"I don't know. Confused and distracted. Did I tell you my dad called. " I ask staring right ahead.
"When?!" Says Noah.
"They day after my mom got in the hospital. I was sitting at home eating cereal when the landline rang and it was him." I say picking at my cuticles.
"What did he say?" Asks Noah with curiosity.
I tell her about our whole conversation without missing anything.
"Wow I'm so sorry... that's must've been rough with your Mom being in the hospital and you already worrying about that." She says taking my hand and squeezing it.
"Yeah it wasn't the best thing to have happen." I says as she pulls up to my house.
"Thanks for the ride." I say pulling her into a hug.
"Anytime." She says before we let go of each other.
"Bye." I say opening the car door.
"Bye." She says before I close the door. I watch her pull away from my house before I head inside. I walk up the front steps and unlock the door.
"Hello?" I say when I step inside.
"In here." Says Jessie from the other room.
"Hey what did the doctor say?" I ask finding her in the kitchen.
"Well......your Moms awake! She just woke up this morning. Now the Doctor said that she can come home but he will have to have her come back in a few weeks for a check up. When she comes home she will be in a wheelchair for a little because of the side effects of some of the medicine so she's still not very strong on her feet yet. Understand?" She says looking me in the eyes.
"Got it!!! When does she come home?" I ask with curiosity.
"I'm not telling! It's a surprise. Ok?" She says with a crooked smile.
"Fine!" I say rolling my eyes.
"Alright kiddo go start on some homework!" She says smiling at me.
I trudge up to my room and throw my bag in the corner. I flop on my bed and let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly I see a little black nose poke through the small open space of the door.
"Bailey!!" I say patting my legs.
"She waddles in and basically jumps up her puppy stairs. She comes over and nuzzles my chest.
"Hey girl! Mommy's coming home!" I wisper with a joyful voice.
She lets out a joyful wimper.
"Bailey you are the best friend a girl could ever have!" I say giving her a kiss.
She nuzzles my side.
I lie down on my bed and snuggle Bailey and stare at the stars.


Hi! I have been working a LOT on this book because I have to get some important chapters done! I released a new chapter for broken star so yay for that.
Anyways Happy Reading!


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