Chapter Five

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After school Noah meets me outside the front of the school.
"Do you wanna walk or take the bus?"I ask.
"It's really hot out so I say bus."she answers with a chuckle.
"Ok let's go catch the bus!"I say walking towards the bus stop.


Finally the bus gets to my stop. Me and Noah get off and walk the rest of the way to my house. When we got there I unlock the door and head inside.
"So how are you? You kinda disappeared on Friday." Says Noah in a worried tone.
"Um ya I've been meaning to tell you something. Follow me."I say looking at the ground.
We head upstairs to my room. We both plop down on my bed. Bailey comes up a few seconds later.
"On Friday night I left early mom was in the hospital.
She is really weak and I'm not sure what's wrong and all I know is she had a little to much to drink and not enough to eat that night."I say holding Bailey in my lap.
I feel tears well in my eyes.
"Oh my god! Jackie I'm so sorry!"says Noah pulling me into a big hug.
"I don't know what's happening right now. First my dad leaves then my mom gets put in the hospital." I say tears streaming down my face now.
After a few seconds Noah let's go of me.
"I have an idea! Let's go visit your Mom! We could even buy her some flowers and balloons and bring some stuff from home for her?" Says Noah I a hopeful voice.
"That's actually a pretty good idea. Let's do it. We can call and über too." I say wiping my eyes.
"First lets fix your makeup!"says Noah with a funny voice.
About half hour later Noah an I have filled a bag with stuff from home for my Mom and have called and über.
"I'm actually kinda excited to bring her this stuff. The hospital seemed really cold and boring when I was there on Friday."I say with a hopeful voice.
"So am I. I just hope your Mom feels better. I also with we could bring Bailey because I'm sure she would love to see your Mom." Says Noah with a smile.
We hear a car honk outside I open the door and see the über. We slip on our shoes and run to the car.
"Excuse me sir but I was wonder if we could make a quick stop before we head to our location?" I ask when we are in the back of the SUV.
"Sure thing!"says the driver who seems pretty nice.
One the way we stop at a store and grab some balloons and flowers for my mom then make our way to the hospital.
Finally we arrive and we pay the über and head inside.
"Hi I'm here to see Miss Geller. I'm her daughter."I say to the lady at the front desk.
"You can head to her room. I will page her doctor to come and talk about her condition." She says.
We walk further into the building and finally arrive at her room. I open the door and we go inside. She's still not awake yet.
"Let's set up everything we brought." Says Noah with a small smile to keep me from crying.
"Let's." I say biting my lip.
I take out the blanket from the bag and spread it over the blanket she has. Then I grab some of my stuffys I brought her and some of the throw pillows too and arrange them beside and around her. Meanwhile Noah has set up the balloons in the corner  and tied one to the bar on her small food table beside her bed and put  the flowers in the vase we brought with fresh water and plant food.
"Good job!" I say high fiving her.
"I think it's looks pretty good." Says
Noah glancing around the room.
"So do I!" I say actually feeling happy for once.
Suddenly a nurse comes in.
"Hello girls I'm Molly. I'm Miss Gellers nurse." Say the nurse.
"I'm her daughter Jackie and this is my friend Noah." I answer politely.
Molly seems to be in her mid twenties.
She has dirty blond hair and a confident smile.
"I just came to let you know the doctor will be in about a half hour. He just has some work to finish around the hospital." She says with a small smile.
"Oh ok. Thank-you." I say.
"Also I love what you've done with the room. It shows that people are supporting her." She say looking around.
"Well we felt she should have some stuff from home." Noah says.
"Well I have to be going I hope to see you girls soon. Bye." She says turning out heading out of the room.
"She seems nice. Wanna go down to the cafeteria to get some food to bring back here?" I ask Noah.
"Sure!" She answers.

We arrive at the cafeteria and there is barely anyone there. We head to the lineup to get some food. We each get some macaroni and cheese and some snacks and a sandwich along with some Gatorade. For everything and head back. Once we get back sit on the couches and eat and watch some tv on the small tv on a roll away carte.
"Mm this mac and cheese is pretty good for hospital food!" I say surprised.
"Yeah it is." Says Noah taking a bite.
A few seconds later the doctor comes in. Me and Noah stand up.
"Hello I'm Doctor James. You must be her daughter." He says nodding at me.
"Yes I am and this is my friend Noah." I say shyly.
"Well we have to run some more tests still to see what's the problem here and we are still waiting for the other ones to arrive from the lab." He says looking through his folder.
"What are you testing for?" I ask curiously.
"Well for any sicknesses mostly. We want to know so that we can be on top of things if something comes up. From what we have seen so far it appears your mother has been consuming a lot of wine lately. Have you noticed anything?" He asks.
"Well I know she always has one glass with dinner but I never see her drink apart from that." I say worried.
"Well thank you for telling me this it may come in handy for when we take more tests." He says with a kind smile.
"How much longer do you think she will have to stay?" Asks Noah.
"We are not sure yet. We will contact you when we have more information." He says closing his folder.
"Thank-you Dr.James." I say.
"No problem. I hope that this turns out ok." He says before he leaves.
After he leaves we sit back down and finish our food. When we are done we call the über to come pick us up.
"It has been a nice visit Mommy." I say kissing her forehead before I leave.
"Take care of her guys." Says Noah to the stuffed animals.
We head out to the front of the hospital to wait. Finally the über comes and we get in. We drive back to my house and we pay the über and get out.
"Wanna come in a little longer?" I ask.
"Sure why not." Says Noah with a smile.
We head inside and we sit and watch some tv and talk. Around dinner time Noah leaves.
"Thanks for spending the day with me. You made my day better." I say pulling her in to a big hug.
"No problem. It was actually kinda fun." She says.
Finally we let go of each other and I wave at her till she's out of site.
I head back to the couch and Bailey comes and sits in my lap.
"Wanna call Aunt Jessie?" I ask Bailey.
She looks at me with eyes that say yes.
I reach for my phone and call my aunt.
"Hi Hon." she says when she answers.
"Hey Jess. I was wondering I f you could come stay for a little. I've been feeling kinda lonely and I need an adult to handle all this hospital stuff." I say.
"Of course! I will start packing right away! I will be there to start dinner soon. See you in about 20." She says.
"Thanks you are the best! Love you!" I say before hanging up.
I sit and watch tv with Bailey in my lap and a giant blanket wrapped around me while I wait.


Hey guys. Long chapter with some exciting stuff I hope. I hope this makes up for not posting on the story for a while. Anyways enjoy!

Love Hope ❤️

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