Chapter Ten

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A few weeks later..

I'm sitting in the library reading a book at one of the work cubbys in the library when someone plops down beside me. I look up to see a guy. He has a giant stack of books in front of him. Suddenly I reconize him. It's the guy I bumped into in the hallway last week.
"Hey that's a lot of books. Do you like reading?" I ask quietly.
" I guess I find some fun in it." He answers nevously.
"That's cool. I'm Jackie." I say holding out my hand.
"I'm..Jasper." He says a little less nervous.
"I actually ran into in the hallway last week." I say with a kind smile.
"Oh um yeah I remember that. I was kinda in a hurry sorry." He says.
"Oh hey it's alright!" I say with a reassuring smile.
"What book are you reading?" He asks.
"Oh I'm reading one of the books from the heros of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. It's Mark Of Athena." I say.
"I like that series." He says with a small smile.
"It's so good. A lot of people probably look at me and think that girl reads Rick Riordan books but hey never judge a book by its cover right." I say with a warm smile.
"That's true." He says.
"Look I gotta go I'll see you around Jasper." I say picking up my book.
"See ya around I guess." He says.
I sling my backpack over my shoulder and leave the library to go find Ariana.


"Hey where were you?" Asks Ariana from on the floor.
"Library. I just wanted to catch up on some reading. Do you have any food?" I ask plopping down beside her.
"There's snacks in my locker." She says.
I stand up and unlock her locker. Inside it's stocked with candy and snacks.
"Holy mackerel when did this get here?" I ask admiring the food.
"I went on a shopping spree at the gas station." She says with a laugh.
"Oh how fun." I say with a laugh.
I choose the jumbo can of Pringles and one of the zipblock bags of twizlers.
"So Alexander asked me to come over after school. Is it ok if we cancel plans." She says stealing a twizler.
"Oh hey that's fine. I've had you for 11 years. We don't have to hangout everyday. I'll let you and Alexander have some time together." I say with a wink.
"Thanks! Great! Good! Just let me text him." She says with a smile.
"Why is school a bitch?" Asks Noah flopping down on the floor beside me.
"Because it's basically a prison you go to for 9 and a half months." I say.
"That's almost the same amount of time a women is pregnant for. Interesting." She says rolling her eyes.
"Odd thought but anyways, what put you in this tood?" I ask curiously.
"Um let's see teachers, homework etc.." She says grabbing her drink from her backpack.
"I get whatcha mean." I say giving her a light punch on the shoulder.
"Hey Hi Hello. I'm back." Says Ariana putting away her phone.
"You know how I told you how I ran into the guy who like walked away super fast?" I ask.
They nod their heads.
"Well he sat down beside me in the library. He's actually pretty cool. He's names Jasper." I say popping open my van of Pringles.
"Is he hot?" Asks Noah.
"Um he's kinda more like a snuggly teddy bear cute. He seems like a good listener. One thing is he's like super shy." I say slapping Noah on the arm.
"What! I was just wondering!" She says innocently.
"What do you mean by shy?" Asks Ariana.
"He's doesn't really seem like the talkative type to people he doesn't really know. He seems like a quiet dude." I say taking a chip.
"Cool." She says with a smile.
The bell rings and we make our way to our classes.


The next day I spot Jasper in the library again. I go up to him.
"Hey Jasper." I say with a friendly smile.
"Oh hey Jackie." He says with his shy voice.
"Whatcha getting out?" I ask peering over at the book he's holding.
"The fault in our stars." He says his cheeks blushing.
"Hey it's ok. This book isn't some sappy romance novel it is a work of art. The story is something so beautiful that everyone has to read it. Guys or girls it doesn't matter." I say reassuringly.
"I guess it is a pretty good book." He answers with a small smile.
"You have no idea what your missing out on." I say with a grin.
"How are you liking Mark of Athena?" He asks curiously.
"Oh my god it's so good." I say.
"I've read all of his books." Says Jasper shyly.
"I'm trying to get there." I say with a laugh.
"Look I have to go. See you around." He says before heading out of the aisle.
"Bye!" I say.
I look at the books on the shelf in front of me. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands cover my eyes.
"Hey it's your favourite boyfriend." Says Chase moving his arms to my waist.
"Hey." I say turning around in his arms.
"Whatcha doing." He says leaning in to kiss me.
"Kissing you." I say before his lips touch mine.
We share a nice kiss before I pull away.
"So who were you talking to?" He asks.
"Oh that's Jasper. I met him yesterday." I say with a smile.
"Is he nice?" He asks raising his eyebrow.
"Oh super nice. We have the same taste in books." I say with a smile.
"That's nice. Do you think he's cute?" He asks courageously.
"Not as cute as you." I say dodging the question.
I lean in to kiss him again so that he'll forget about his questions. He brings his hands down to my hips. I run my hands through his hair. A few seconds later I pull away.
"Babe people are around us." I say shyly.
"It's just a little pda." He says with a smile.
"Can we go somewhere else please if we're gonna kiss?" I say with puppy eyes.
"Fine." He says giving me a quick peck. We leave the library and go to the courtyard. We find a tree where no ones really around.
"Is this good enough for you?" He says mockingly.
"Yes." I say rolling my eyes.
We lock lips again. He moves his hands slowly down my body and stops at my hips. I play with his hair. He takes his hands and put them in the back pockets of my jeans. He starts kissing my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans back against the tree as we kiss. He comes back to my lips and gives me a passionate kiss. This is what I love about free blocks. He moves his legs so that mine are in between his. I stand on my tip toes as I start kissing his neck.
We kiss for a bit longer before the bell rings.
"Oh hey Jacks this is for you." He says pulling a piece of folded up paper from his pocket.
"Awe thanks." I say taking it.
I unfold it and find a picture of me. I'm sitting under a tree with my nose in a book with my headphones on.
"Oh my god babe, I love it!" I say wrapping my arms around him.
"I knew you would." He says with a laugh.
I give him a quick peck before I walk to English with a smile on my face.


"Mom I'm home!" I call walking through the front door.
"In here!" She replys.
Noah, Ariana and Chase follow behind me as I walk to the living room.
Hey it's the whole gang!" She says looking up from her iPad with her glasses perched on her nose.
She's out of her wheelchair now.
"Hey Mom." I say giving her a peck on the cheek.
"Hey second mother." Says Ari giving her a hug.
Arian calls her Mom too since she is basically her second Mom.
"Hey sweetie." She says.
"Hey Chase hey Noah." She says with a warm smile.
Mom met Chase a little while ago. We had a family dinner and movie. Mom practically adores Chase. I'm happy she likes him.
We all plop down on the couch around her.
"How was school?"Asks Mom.
"Boring." We all say.
"I'm not suprised." She says with a laugh.
"Hey is Jess at work?" I ask.
"Yeah she's working late. That have to make dinner." She says with a smirk.
"Damn.."I say with a sigh.
"You guys wanna stay for dinner?" She asks them.
"Ok cool." They say with a smile.
"Put your hand up if you wanna order pizza." I say putting my hand up.
All my friends put their hands up.
"Democracy wins!" I say with an enthusiastic smile.
"Haha. I saw that coming." Says Mom with a smile.
"Who wants a drink?" I say.
"Me please." They all say at the same time.
"Four iced teas coming up." I say getting up.
Chase follows me into the kitchen.
"Your Mom's really great." He says smiling.
"Yeah I wouldn't ask for a better one." I say opening the fridge.
"Hey there's a party coming up. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He asks leaning against the counter.
"When is it?" I ask grabbing five cans of iced tea.
"Saturday." He answers.
"I can't sorry. Me and Jess have plans." I say turning to face him.
"Awe that sucks. I'm sad you won't be there." He says with a frown.
"Well I'll make it up to you somehow." I say with a smile.
"Deal." He says giving me a quick peck.
"Drinks!" I say handing out the cans in the living room.
"Thanks babydoll." Says Mom.
"No problem madré." I say with a laugh.
"Hey guys come upstairs." I say heading to the staircase.
We all trudge upstairs and go in my room. I sit down on Chases lap on my bed. Ariana takes my desk chair and Noah sits on the bench under the window. She wraps herself in the blanket that's folded up on the bench.
"Hey guys are you going to party on Saturday?" Chases asks Noah and Ariana.
"I can't I have a date with Alexander." Says Ariana grabbing a piece of paper to draw on.
"I can't either I'm going to my sisters house for the weekend." Says Noah.
"Ok. I guess it's just me and the guys." Says Chase wrapping his arms around me.
"I guess so." I say.
"Hey Jacks what time are you going out with Jess?" Asks Ariana.
"Like 7." I say.
"Ok Alex is picking me up at 6:30. Can you come over?" She asks looking up from her drawing.
"Sure what time?" I ask.
"Like 4:30." She says.
"K sounds great." I answer.
She goes back to her drawing.
"I have to go my sisters for the weekend. That means two whole days of family. I mean yes I like my sister a lot but that means two whole days of my parents." Says Noah rolling her eyes.
"Ouch. Don't your parents always expect you to go to formal events and wear nice dresses with painful heels." I say with a sympathetic face.
"Yup. That's why the second my sister received her high school diploma she left.  She escaped. I'm planning on doing the same thing." She says.
"Have fun with that." Says Chase with a laugh.
"I sure will." She says rolling her eyes.
Suddenly the landline that somehow ended up in my room rings. I pick up.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey it's your Dad again." Says my Dad from the other line.
"Why do you keep calling!" I say annoyed.
"Because we haven't talked in two months. I'm trying to keep in contact with you." He answers.
"Dad you left. You left your life behind and packed your things and moved to Florida. Why do you even care about keeping in contact with me! If your really cared about staying in touch you wouldn't have moved to Florida and you would have know that my mother was in the hospital a few weeks ago unconscious from having to much to drink because she didn't know what to do with herself anymore." I say with a tear forming in my eyes.
"Sweetie I didn't know. I'm sorry is she ok." He answers.
"What do you care huh. If you really truly cared you would have known.
Also yes she is fine. She is living a great life right now.. without you." I blurt out with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Sweet-" He starts to say.
"No I'm done! Goodbye!" I say before hanging up.
I thrown the phone on my rug. I lean into Chases arms and cry. He holds me tight and smooths my hair. Noah and Ariana come over and comfort me too. I let the tears fall, not holding any back.

New chapter woo woo! Enjoy and Happy reading.


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