Chapter Fifteen

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Mom gets discharged a few days later. Before we leave the doctor comes in with papers that have all the information about Chemotherapy on them. He tells Mom to take it easy and that he'll see her in two weeks to start Chemo.

The second we step through the door after our ride home, Bailey comes running up to us. She bounces all over the place and tries to jump up on mom's lap in her wheelchair.

"Bailey calm down! You can't jump on mommy right now! She just had a big surgery to make her feel all better." I bend down and scoop my little puppy up in my arms.

I hold her in my arms as I let mom give her a few pets.
"Did ya miss me, my Bailey wailey?" Mom smiles and kisses the top of her head.

I let go of Bailey so that we can take mom to get settled in upstairs in her bed.
Jess and I both hold one of her arms as we help her up the stairs and to her bed.

"I don't deserve the two of you! You are both too kind." Mom gently chuckles as she settles into bed.

"Nah, we're not that great. We're still waiting for our tip by the way!" Jess jokes.

"You're crazy Jessie!" Mom rolls her eyes at her youngest sister.

"Get some rest Momma!" I roll my eyes at both of them and give mom a quick hug before I leave to pack up everything I need for school the next day.


"Yo Gellar! It's been a while!" Noah greets me at my locker the next day.

"Long time, no see Noah." I greet her in response.

"How was your Mom's surgery?" Noah asks me as I search for my math book in my locker.

"The doctor says it went great. She starts Chemo in two weeks." I reply as I find my book and shut my locker.

"That's great! Look, I'm off to class. I'll catch ya later." Noah gives me a wave over her shoulder as she heads to class.

I head in the opposite direction to Math which I luckily have with Ariana.
I take the desk next to her and open my book.

"Hey! It feels like you haven't been at school in forever!" Ariana laughs.

"It does kinda feel like that! You're the one person that already knows everything besides Jasper, that I have to fill in!" I reply.

"Oooh Jasper!" Ari teases.

"Oh god!" I groan. "Not this again!"

Thankfully the teacher walks in and Ariana shuts up.

As the teacher talks, my thoughts about Jasper swirl through my head. I try to listen to the teacher but it doesn't help.

I let out a sigh. This is gonna be a long class.

Lunch time!

When the bell rings, signalling lunch, happy music plays in my head as I go to drop off my books at my locker.

When I get to my locker, none other than Jasper is standing there waiting for me.

I let out a breath and walk up to him.
"Hey Jasper!" I smile.

"Hey Jackie! How's your Mom doing now that she's home?" He asks me while I put away my work.

"She's doing pretty well so far." I stop myself there. "Jasper could we actually not talk about my mom? That's all I've been asked all day and....I kinda want to feel like it's a normal day for a little bit." I shift my weight onto one leg and awkwardly look at the ground.

"Yeah..for sure! It's completely fine! I get it! Wanna get some lunch?" Jasper reply's and nods his head towards the cafeteria.

"Sounds great." I look up at him and smile.

A few minutes later, Jasper and I sit on the front steps of school, deep in conversation as if nothing as changed.

"So if we're both only child's then maybe that's why we get along so well?" Jasper laughs.

"Maybe!" I laugh. "Honestly I feel like if my parents hasn't fought so much and has gotten along better, they would have had another kid."

"Not gonna lie, I don't think my dad really wanted kids at all. I think it was more my mom that wanted a kid." Jasper shrugs as he steals a fry from my tray.

"Wait you actually think so?" I raise a brow at Jasper's last statement.

"Yup. I've thought so ever since I was 12 years old." He nods his head in confirmation.

"Jasper! That's terrible! Why do you think that?" I ask but then add to my last question. "Wait you don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

"It's fine Jackie. The reason I think that is because he gets really mad at me about everything. Even if it's not my fault or it's something that's not even that big of a deal." He answers.

"Jasper...that's terrible." I reach out and grab his hand in comfort.

"My mom is my best friend in that household. She is always there for me. She's just not good at standing up for herself." Jasper's eyes fill with fear and sympathy for his mom.

"I'm so sorry Jasper...I didn't know." I give him a sympathetic look.

"It's ok Jackie." He shrugs.

We sit there for a few seconds in silence, my hand resting on his.

The bell rings and I immediately pull my hand away.

"I have to go...I'll see you around." I quickly stand up and grab my try. With my bag slung on my shoulder, I quickly head to class. I shake on my head trying to get the last moment we just shared out of my head.

That night....

I sit at my desk trying to do homework but my head keeps on replaying what happened at lunch that day.

I let out a breath of air as I try to focus on my work.

Suddenly my phone rings and I pick up, not bothering to check the number.

"Hello?" My dad's voice calls through the other line.

"Hello." I grumble in response.

"Hi honey! I'm just calling to see how your mom's surgery went?" He asks.

"First of all, don't call me honey! Second of all, why do you care? You left her so why should I be telling you how your ex wife's surgery went!" I feel anger boil through me.

"Just because we're divorced doesn't mean I don't care about her anymore! We were married for 16 years!" He says like what he did to us has completely vanished out of history.

"Well you're the one who left her! You're the one who cheated on your wife of SIXTEEN YEARS! I'm done with you and your stupid games! Goodbye!" I aggressively press the end call button and let out a groan of frustration.

Done with everything, I change into sweats and climb into bed. Who can study when you're annoying dad is being a jackass and when you're brain can only think about your guy best friend.

Screw school.

Guys!! Im on a roll!!! Two chapters in two days!! What do you think of everything thats happening? Let me know in the comments!

Please leave a vote on your way out!

-Ocean 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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