Chapter Twelve

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Monday arrives and I still feel like I wanna cry. What the hell is wrong with him.
Walking into the bathroom, I look in the mirror and my eyes are still puffy from crying. But today we have to stay strong. I try and put on some concealer but it just makes my skin burn. I wash it off and start again. This time I put on a cooling face mask to hopefully hydrate my skin after being so dry from wiping my face with kleenex. As I wait for it to dry, I put no effort in my hair and just put it up in a ponytail. I finally peel off my mask then put on moisturizer. My skin is so irritated that when I touch it with my finger, it burns.
"Ugh I hate crying." I think inside my head.
I give up on makeup and just put on some clear lipgloss and deodorant.
Just because our boyfriend cheated on us, doesn't mean we stop smelling nice.
For clothes I wear leggings and a hoodie with a grey tank top underneath. I grab my bag and slowly slink downstairs.
Jessie stands at the stove, making breakfast burritos for me and her.
"Hi." I mumble to her.
"Hi kiddo." She gives me a caring look.
I drop my bag on the floor. "Is there any coffee?"
"Here, let me get it for you." She scurries over to the pot of hot coffee.
She pours it in a travel mug and brings it over to me.
"Your food will be ready in a minute."
I take the hot mug from her. "Thanks Jess."
"Your mom has a doctors appointment today. I'm driving her there at 12." Jess dishes the food onto plates.
"Jessie, please let me come!" I plead. "She's my mom. I need to know what the doctor says."
"I'm sorry Jacks but you have to go to school." She frowns.
"Jessie please!" I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying.
"Jackie I'm really sorry but you have to go to school." She serves me my food with sorry eyes.
"Fine, but call me if there's anything wrong that's bad, please." I plead again.
Mom has a doctors appointment today because she has lost some concerning amount of weight since she came home. The doctor had told us that if anything that seemed out of the ordinary happened to make an appointment.
"Alright fine. " Jessie sits beside me to eat.
I finish eating and slip on old black adidas. I put on my headphones and walk to the bus feeling like my worlds crashing down.

"Jackie, wait up!" Ariana calls after me.
"How are you?"
"Trying to push through. I haven't seen Chase yet." I bite my lip.
"I'm so so sorry." She pulls me in a bear hug. "You don't deserve to have had this happen to you."
"Thanks Ari buddy." I smile.
"Alright, now chin up soldier!" She grabs my cheek and pinches it.
"Love you too." I laugh softly.
We walk with our arms around each other's shoulders, to math."

During lunch....

I start doing the combination on my lock, while humming a Billie Eilish song. Then all of a sudden someone spins me around and kisses me. My eyes stay wide open and push away from the person.
"What's wrong baby? You usually love my kisses." Chase gives me his puppy eyes.
I let out a breath of air. "What's wrong is you cheating on me at that party this weekend!"
His cheeks go bright red. "Babe, how do you know about that?"
"First off, don't call me babe and second of, it was all over god damn instagram!" I feel anger bubble inside of me.
"Jackie, I'm so sorry! I was drunk and we were playing spin the bottle and I'm sorry!" He puts his hands on both my shoulders.
"Get your fucking hands off me! I don't care how many times you apologize! You cheated on me. You cheated on me with that girl in the video." My voice is firm as I push away his hands from my shoulders.
"Jackie, Mialaya and I have been friends for a while. It doesn't mean anything! We're just friends!" He try's to explain.
Around us a small crowd starts to form.
"I don't fucking care Chase! Look you cheated on me and that can't be undone!" My ears are basically steaming with anger.
"Jackie,I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please!" He pleads.
"Chase what's done is done! There's no excuse for what you did!" I practically yell at him.
"JACKIE, I LOVE YOU!" He suddenly blurts out.
The crowd let's out a surprised gasp.
"What did you just say!" I blink my eyes in shock.
"I love you." He smiles at me, like everything's alright.
"Chase we've been dating for a month and a half and your telling me you love me!" I point my index finger into his chest.
"Yes, yes I am!" He tells me.
"Chase honey! You can't just say I love you and think it will make everything better! Are you really that stupid?" Tears well in my eyes.
"Jackie, you are my first serious relationship, cut me some slack! I'm new at this." He gives me the puppy eyes again.
"Chase I'm sorry but that doesn't change the fact that you kissed another girl while you're in a relationship with me!" I frown at him.
"Jackie, I'm begging you. Give me another chance. I'll make it up to you. Please. I swear just give me another chance!" He practically begs me.
Tears fall on my checks as I tell him my reply. "Chase I'm sorry but we're over."
Chase drops to his knees like he's in pain.
"I'm sorry." I close my locker and quietly dash to the nearest girls washroom, with tears streaming down my face.
I close myself in a stall and start crying even harder.
"Why why why..." I say through my sobs.
I hear the bathroom door open.
"Jackie, are you in here?" an unfeminine voice calls.
"Jasper?" I ask, wiping my eyes.
"Yeah." He answers.
"Why are you in the girls bathroom?" I ask curiously.
"I saw the fight. I followed you in here." He tells me.
"How many people saw?!" I ask frantically.
"Not as many people as when, Erica and Jamie broke up." He sits down outside my stall.
"Ok." I let out a breath. "Jasper?"
"I feel terrible." I feel a stray tear fall down my cheek.
"Jackie, he deserved it. He cheated on you. You don't deserve someone like Chase." He comforts me.
I finally open the stall door and slump down beside him.
"My world feels like it's falling apart lately." I sigh.
"Mine too." He frowns.
"Why?" I ask.
"My mom and dad are in the middle of a messy divorce. My dad wants full custody of me but I wanna stay with my mom. She's not in very good shape with this whole thing." He bits his lip.
"My mom is going to a Doctors appointment today. She lost a concerning amount of weight in this past month." I angle my head downwards so that my loose strands of hair fall in my face like a shield.
"Jackie, I'm so sorry." He consoles me by,putting his arm around my shoulders.
I move my head onto his shoulder and we sit in silence.
Jasper finally breaks the silence after a few minutes.
"We should probably get to class." He practically whispers.
"Yeah." I whisper back.
We stand up and grab our bags.
"Thank you for being you." I half smile at him.
"Anytime." He half smiles back.

Outside the washroom the crowd has dispersed and everyone has gone their separate ways. Chase is nowhere to be seen.
"It's ok, Jackie." He reassures me.
"I'm fine, I promise. We just gotta get through the day."
He gives my shoulder a quick squeeze before we part ways.


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