Chapter Eleven

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Saturday rolls around fast. At 4:15 I make my way to Ariana's house. Jess is picking me up from her house after she leaves for her date.
I pull on my combat boots and grab my backpack before walking to Ariana's house, that's a few blocks over. When I step outside, I'm hit by a cold breeze. I quickly pull on my sweatshirt from my bag before starting walking. As I walk I pull out my phone and listen to some music with my earbuds. Around me all the leaves have fallen off the trees. It looks kinda pretty to be honest. All the leaves are shades of red and orange scattered on the ground. I smile and finish my walk to Ariana's house.
When I arrive I ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps come to the door. It's opened by Mr. Tatani.
"Hey Mr. Tatani." I smile.
"Hey Jackie. Come on in!" He smiles back.
"It's getting pretty chilly out huh?" I step inside.
"I know! Before you know it it will be Christmas!" He shuts the door.
"I know!" I say, taking off my boots.
"Well Ariana's upstairs in her room so you can head on up." He says.
Ariana's Mom died when Ariana was 6 months old. Mr. Tatani has had to raise Ariana on his own. He try's his hardest to be a good supportive dad but sometimes he can be a little over protective.
I walk upstairs and go to her room.
"Hey Bud it's me." I knock on her door.
"Come in!" She calls.
I open the door to find clothes scattered everywhere. It's bringing me flashbacks to my first date with Chase.
"Holy shit. It looks like a tornado hit!" I say, closing the door.
"Dude it's been hell. All my clothes seem so tasteless to me. I've never felt like this before!" She says coming over to me.
"Well, where's he taking you?" I drop my bag on the floor.
"To dinner at a nice restaurant and then he said he has a surprise for me." She says, with a glimmer in her eyes.
"Well that means you gotta look good. What do you think of a dress?" I ask, going to her closet.
"Sounds good." She accepts.
"Here, what about this, You go take a quick but good shower. I'll come up with some options while you shower." I suggest.
"Ok. Sounds good. I'll be back." She answers before heading to the shower in her ensuite.
I look through her dresses. I find a red body hugging dress that has thick tank top straps. I lay it on the bed. Next I find a pale pink dress that has a knee length skirt that has a little flare. The top is thick tank top straps that has a cris cross back. Lastly I decide to use a skirt option to mix it up. I find a tight teal skirt that's a little higher than knee length. I find a black loose tank top to tuck in to it that has a cris cross front. To top it off I have a black leather jacket.
While I wait, I clean up her room for her.
A few minutes later Ariana comes out from the bathroom with her robe on.
"Hey you cleaned my room!Thanks!"She glances around the room.
"Would you like to see your options?" I ask, guiding her to her bed where the outfits are laid out.
"Nice finds." She admires the clothes.
"Well which one do you like the best?" I ask.
"Um can I make a slight change?" She asks.
"Dude go ahead! It's your night!" I say.
She takes the leather jacket and puts it with the red dress.
"Wow! I like it." I grin.
"Really?! I'm gonna put it on. Find me some shoes with ya?" She asks.
I go to her closet and choose some black high heel boots.
"Here!" I turn around.
"Tada!" She gives me a spin.
She looks amazing.
"Put these on!" I give her the shoes.
She pulls them on.
"I. Love. It." I grin.
"Fun!" She heads over to her makeup table/ desk.
"Can you do my hair?"She asks.
"Sure I just gotta blow dry it." I plug in the blow dryer.
I dry a her hair while she starts her makeup. Next I pull her hair up in a pony to do a bun. I leave strands of hair out in the front. Finally we finish. She looks in the mirror and squeals.
"I don't look like me. I look so mature. Ah this is crazy!" She turns to look at me.
"You look beautiful!" I pull her in a hug.
Ariana did soft brown eyeshadow of one color but did dramatic false lashes to make it look awesome. She highlighted her inner corners of her eyes for a dramatic look. She did a soft base with a nice contour with a peachy blush. To make it all come together she has on dark red matte lipstick.
"Time?" She asks.
"6:00."I say looking at the clock.
"We have half an hour, wanna go downstairs." She suggests.
"Sounds great!" I scoop up my backpack, from the floor.
She grabs her purse and phone. We walk downstairs.
"Hey Dad!" Ariana says walking into the living room.
He spins to look at her with a smile but as soon as he gets a good look at her the smile turns in a frown. "Young lady what do you think your wearing!"
"Dad it's just a dress." She says calmly.
"A too short dress! Go upstairs and change!" He points stiffly to the stairs.
"Fine!" Says Ari stomping upstairs.
I drop my bag downstairs and follow her up the stairs.
"Ugh why does he have to be so over protective!" She continues stomping in to her room.
"Ari calm down! Look your Dad probably just got freaked out when he saw you walk downstairs wearing such a short , tight dress. He just probably felt like where did my little girl go." I try to calm her down.
"Jacks, tonight is so not the night to have him flip out over a dress, you gotta understand that." She kicks off her shoes.
"I do. Look let's just find another outfit. Then all we have to do is change your lipstick and take out your bun if needed then you'll be ready." I walk over to her closet.
"Ok." She sighs
I find a loose knee length black skirt and a pale pink t shirt to tuck in the skirt and some black tights for under the skirt. For the jacket I keep the leather jacket.
"Here put this on." I say handing her the clothes.
"Ok." She says.
Next for shoes, I choose blush pink bow knot high heels.
"Outfit for date round two!" Says Ariana giving a spin.
"I think your Dad will approve." I smile, handing her the shoes
"Hey, how does a pink lipstick sound?" I ask.
"Good." She reply's putting on the heels.
I start digging around her lipsticks for a colour.
"Nice colour." Ari peeks over my shoulder.
"Thanks." I hand her the lipstick.
She redoes her lipstick with the pink. I quickly take out her bun. Her hair falls into natural curls down the middle of her back.
"How do I look?" She asks.
"Great!" I reassure her.
"Good." She checks her clock.
"It's 6:30!".
"Lets go wait downstairs.. again." I laugh.
Ari grabs her purse before
We head downstairs again.
"Hey dad!" Says Ari to Mr. Tatani.
He looks over her clothes for the evening. "Honey, you look beautiful!"
"Well thanks to Jackie over here we found something that would work." She smiles at me.
"My pleasure." I smile back.
Outside a car honks.
"That's Alex!" She squeals.
"Bye sweetie!" Says her Dad, giving her a quick hug.
"Bye Ari buddy!" I give her a quick hug also.
She rushes out the door. I walk over to the window by the door and look out. I watch her hop in Alexanders truck. A few seconds later they pull away from the driveway.
"Ah she's growing up so fast." Says Mr. Tatani coming up beside me.
"Yeah she sure is." I agree.
"Would you like some hot chocolate?" He asks.
"Why not." I smile and follow him to the kitchen.
"How's your Mom?" He asks, grabbing some mugs."
"Much better." I sit down on a stool.
"That's good. I would like to visit her soon." He grabs the chocolate mix.
"I bet she would love that!" I smile again.
"Well tell her I would like to visit then get her to send me a text on what days work for her." He hands me my drink.
"Sounds good." I take a sip.
A few minutes later the doorbell rings.
"I'll get that." Mr. Tatani goes over to the door.
I follow behind him just in case it's Jess.
It is.
"Oh Hello Jessie!" Says Mr. Tatani after he opens the door.
"Hey Mr. T!" She smiles.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Oh you know, hanging in there." She laughs.
"Would you like to come in?" He asks.
"I can't sorry, I'm actually here to pick up Jackie." She answers politely.
"Hey Jess." I say slipping on my shoes.
"Hey kiddo." She smiles at me.
"Well it was nice to see you Jessie." He tells her.
"Well it was nice seeing your Mr. Tatani." I stand up grabbing my backpack.
Me and Jessie say bye to him and head get into Jess's 2015 Jeep Wrangler. We both put on our seat belts before we back out of the driveway.
"You excited to Crazy rich Asians?" Jess asks me as we drive away from Ariana's house.
"Dude yes! I've been wanting to see it for such a long time." I grin.
"I'm glad we're doing this." She says smiling.
"Well this is what super close Aunts and nieces do." I laugh.
"Eh we're best friends first and Aunt and Niece second." She gives me a fist pump.
"Love ya Jess." I say to her.
"Love ya Jacks." She reply's.

After the movie....
"That movie made me laugh so hard, I almost peed my pants." Jess exclaims once we get outside the theatre.
"I know." I reply laughing.
I fish my phone out of my purse to check for messages. Instead, I find my instagram blowing up with notifications so I unlock my phone to check what was up.
A whole bunch of people have posted the same video of a two people making out at a party. Then I realize that the guy was.....Chase.
"Hey kiddo you ok?" Jess asks noticing my blank expression.
I try to speak but words don't come out, so instead I shove my phone in her hand.
"Why that little son of a bitch!" She curses.
I finally find the ability to speak. "What the hell is wrong with him. He told me that he has liked me since we started high school! That lying piece of shit. He obviously doesn't care about me or my feelings!"
"That's it! I don't want you to see him again!" She passes me back my phone. "He broke my niece's heart!"
"Jess, I can't not see him! I mean he goes to my school!" I angrily shove my phone in my backpack.
"Don't talk to him if he try's to talk to you." She starts walking towards the car.
"Oh I won't!" I trail after her.
Inside the car, Jessie starts it up and backs out of the spot. We get on the freeway in silence. I look straight ahead in the traffic, feeling down.
Jessie finally speaks up, "Kiddo, you know he might have just been drunk."
"Jess," My tone is firm. "Don't make excuses for him."
She adjusts her posture in her seat and turns her head to look at me,"I'm not, I'm just saying he was probably drunk and not thinking straight."
"Look, I don't care if he was drunk or sober! He kissed another girl. There is no excuse for what he did." My hand grips tighter on the arm rest.
"I know, I know there is no excuse for what he did! I get it!" She turns her head back towards the road.
"Just leave it, please!" I slouch in my seat.
"Ok, I will."


Hope you enjoy 😊

Ariana's shoes but in blush pink

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Ariana's shoes but in blush pink.

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