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The doctors gave my "boyfriend" nursing instructions and medicine to take care of me. The ride was very tense and I knew I was going to have to learn everything from the start. So I began to


" what was I like oppa?"

" um..." he smiled like it was a treasure to him " You were sweet for starters"

" I woke up to people I don't remember!"

"But you are still funny" he paused and smirked " You would do the dares that even I wouldn't do. The loudest the most outgoing and annoying"

I poured at the last words "mmm" while looking out the window. The people were walking with their children hand in hand. Did I hold hands with him before?! Omo!


"Where do I or we live oppa?"

"We live in a house with 6 other boys" he says

"What?!" He covers his ears to protect from my yelling

"Yahhh!" He yellings back

" how is that?!"

He bites his lip " well we are sorta going to get married and Um they are my family some

brothers some cousins"

"Oh lord,what did I get myself into?" I said to myself

That only made him laugh " we are here"

" do they know I am awake?"

" they will be surprised. Don't worry I will introduce you to them ...again"

When the car stopped he takes me hand and helps me get of the car. That's sweet of him no wonder I was marrying him, nice choice Abby. I will have to trust in you taehyungie and see

what's in store for me. If I loved you once I am sure I can love you again.

"Wait" I whispered to him " stay by me"

" why princess "

" I only trust you"

" then don't leave my side"


The house was big and it immediately felt like home the instant I walked in. It's good that at least I feel at ease here. Maybe I do remember this home deep within me.

" let's show you the boys" he says I could only nod and follow him not daring to let go of his arm.

Taehyung POV

It's nice that I finally have her with me awake and walking, but it is a sadness that she doesn't remember me. I will have to show her all our moments, hopefully that will help her. I smile upon seeing her fearsome expressions. She wasn't like this before, but it's cute to see her this way. It makes me want to hold her every second like a baby. I want to protect her even more this way.

" this way " I show her the room " this is where my brothers sleep. Namjoon the clumsily one, hoesok the sunshine of the household"

" oh they seem nice why not have one room to yourself?"

" they like to play games at night so..."

" oh smart then"

POV Abby

He lead me to another door and explained that this is where this cousins are. yoongi the sweet one despite his looks and jimin the disobedient one.

" are they all sleeping?"

"Yeah well it's almost 11"

"Oh I guess you're right oppa"

" here I will show you picture of them so it will be easier tomorrow to talk to them"



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