Shiki x reader

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Warning: slight self harm

“Have you lost your damn mind?!” You shrieked as soon as you saw what he was doing. A knife at his wrist, blood pouring from the fresh wound that he inflicted upon himself. “Why the hell would you do that to yourself?” you screamed as you ran over and forcefully took the knife from his hand and threw it as far away as you could. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he asked you, not even paying any attention to your previous question.

“No. Pain is not beautiful.” you said quietly, fearing tears would begin to fall. Was this your fault? Had you driven him to this? Or had he already felt this way and you had failed to notice. Either way, you were blaming yourself. “Oh but it is-” He began. “No! It’s not!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, letting all of your emotions bleed through. “Pain is a horrible thing that causes people to suffer! People spend their lives trying to avoid it! And I…” you could feel the salty tears begin to flow down your cheeks. “And I caused you pain didn’t I?” His eyes widened, not only at your rant, but at the fact you thought he did this because of you.

“What? No I-” “Shut up for once! I did this to you! I’m sorry! So so sorry.” By now you were one your knees, a hand covering your mouth as you repeatedly whispered ‘sorrys’ between sobs. You had been aggravated more and more lately, some stress had recently been placed on your shoulders when a family member suddenly got sick. That along with final exams coming up, had set you into a bit of a standoffish phase. You realized how cruel you were being, but you were too exhausted to stop the horrible words from flowing. You believed you had driven him to want to end his own life. It was because of you that he felt this way. You were sure of it.

Suddenly, a pair of arms found their way around you, it didn’t take a genius to realize that it was Shiki, especially with the blood still dripping from his arms. Still I immersed in your fit, you tried pushing him away. However, you were weakened by all of the feelings coursing through you at the moment, so all you could do was wait. He didn’t let you go though. Nor did he attempt to speak. Just hold you. After 10 minutes of sobbing, you calmed down and timidly leaned into his affection. “I’m sorry.” you whispered once more. “Why do you think it’s your fault?” he asked, sounding seriously confused. “B-Because I’ve been so horr- horrible to you.” you tried to explain, your words still effected by some excess sobs. “Don’t think that. I haven’t even noticed.” he reassured. “You-You haven’t?” you looked up at him, your eyes were red and puffy, looking desperately for confirmation that you hadn’t caused this. He simply nodded in response.

“Then why the hell do you do that to yourself? It hurts me to see you sad or in pain, so…why?” He was, once again, shocked by your mini outburst. To be honest, he never knew himself. Perhaps it helped him temporarily forget about his mental pain when he inflicted physical pain upon himself? He really didn’t know, and you kind of figured that out through his lack of words. “Well. I’m going to help you.” you declared, obviously determined. “If you can’t stop, then I’ll help you get through the pain.” He couldn’t stop himself from hugging you tighter. Something deep inside him had been secretly waiting for someone to say those words, waiting for someone to care. He had found that person. That person was you.

Hope you like it!!

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