Shiki x reader "You're the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head."

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     “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.” whispered the fallen angel as he blissfully sighed. You were a blushing mess at the moment, how could someone be so straightforward?! He had previously been staring at you for at least half an hour, you assumed he was staring at something else until he started walking towards you. You had opened your mouth to speak to him when he suddenly pulled you into a sweet embrace.    
     There he stood, most likely taking delight from your obvious embarrassment. His arms had made their way to your waist, just a few centimeters from your hip. His chin, true to his words, was resting on your head. Even you had to admit it fit perfectly.    
     You couldn’t believe this was happening. You kinda sorta maybe had a bit of a crush on him. Unlike most though, you genuinely wanted to help him. It all started the day you first met, you had caught him stabbing himself over and over with thorns. He had told you the pain helped him feel pleasure, but you could see through his seemingly perfected façade. He didn’t know how to express his feelings, that much was obvious. He was hurting and didn’t know how to deal with it so he hurt himself instead.      You wanted to help. You wanted to show him the way. You wanted to love him. He was underappreciated and felt alone, somewhat like how you felt. You were sent to this elite private school, all alone and you could immediately tell you didn’t fit in with the rest of the students. He felt that ways too. Telling that he didn’t fit in with the rest of the student council wasn’t hard, especially with the way he was treated. Like he was "inferior" to them in some way, like he constantly had to prove that he was on their level. 
     "Yeah. I guess I am.” you smiled and leaned back into his chest, feeling him tense a bit at your reaction. Despite his surprise, you could feel his jaw raise into a smile as his arms came to hug you tighter. He felt safer, you could tell, and this was encouragement for you. You were able to help him. That was all you needed to know.

Hope you like it!!

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