Azuna and Ritsuka go swimsuit shopping...

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     "I can't believe they're actually doing it this year!" Exclaimed a rather excited Azuna. "It's been years since they organized a school water balloon fight!" It was true, the last time Shiko Academy hosted an event such as this was at least a decade ago! They apparently received a note about public indecency however. "I wonder why though..." Ritsuka wondered aloud. Why this year? Were the school officials not afraid of receiving the same note? Or perhaps they figured that times have changed...? She couldn't help but feel a bit...skeptical about the topic. But her thoughts were soon cleared as they arrived at the desired shop. They lived in a rather industrial area, not a beach or large body of water in sight. So, they needed swimsuits!

     Their breath hitched as they halted in their steps. Their gaze could not settle to just one place. Without warning, they squealed at all of the adorable selections. Hey, they may be hardcore and independent women, but even they appreciated some cute apparel every once in a while. "We need something fashionable, but not too showy." Explained the blonde young woman, a wide smile upon her face. "Why ever not, dear butterflies?" A familiar voice spoke, suavely walking up to the girls and placing a hand on his hip. On instinct, Azuna flung herself in front of her friend and snarled at the devil. "What are you doing here?" She gritted her teeth, not wanting to cause too much of a scene. "Am I not aloud to shop at a PUBLIC clothing store?" He emphasized the importance of the word 'public' rather smugly, a challenge no doubt. "Fine, just don-" "Oooooo what is this? Ritsuka would look absolutely darling in this!" He held up a rather...revealing swimsuit, a mischievous smile upon his face. "NO! It wouldn't look 'darling'!"

     "For once, I agree with the exorcist." Rem Kaginuki, the stoic and cold student council president stood before them. With a fuchsia bathing suit in his hand. "She needs something like this. It does much more justice to her figure and grace then that...thing." His face went aflame as he saw the garment Urie held, it wasn't even a garment! It was just two pieces of cloth! A lady of Ritsuka's standing shouldn't be wearing such appalling swimwear. "What's this? I didn't expect my dear childhood friend to suggest clothing for a young woman."

    "Ya call that clothes?" An obnoxious voice cut through the crowd, agitating the two females even more. "That's too frilly! She'd wouldn't be able to swim! She needs something that would allow her to flow through the water!" The gruff secretary yelled at the two males. The girls were so focused on the argument that was bound to form, that they failed to notice a certain purple haired treasurer hold up some very provocative swimsuits to the girls. "Oh how I wonder how you would look in these~" That didn't last long. Before he could make another comment, he punched directly in the face by an irritated blonde. She then turned to the other men, splashing holy water on them angrily. As they hissed at the searing pain, she hit them all over the head. By the time she had defeated all of them, her rage was obvious, her breath uneven and her eyes flaming.

     "I think we may have been banned from the event..." the brunette timidly whispered, holding up a brilliantly decorated flyer, advertising the school even. Underneath the title, it read that the event was organized entirely by the student council. Including the guest list. "Crap." Grabbing the two bathing suits the two had been ogling at before the incident, they went up and paid for it quickly. "By the way, a pickup is needed in the swimwear department. There is some unsightly trash there." Azuna deadpanned before taking Ritsuka's hand and pulled her out of the store, hoping Azuna had punched them hard enough that they weren't able to remember the incident so they could still attend.

Hope you like it!!

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